Holmes' book Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States was published in 2013 by the University of California Press in the California Series in Public Anthropology. The book is based on 18 months full-time multi-sited ethnographic research within a transnational migrant agricultural circuit linking villages in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, to agricultural areas of Central California, Oregon, and Washington state. The book won the 2013 Society for the Anthropology of Work Book Award, the 2013 New Millennium Book Award from the Society for Medical Anthropology, the 2014 Association for Humanist Sociology Book Award, and the 2015 James M. Blaut Award from the Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers. The book utilizes first-hand ethnographic field notes and transcripts from interviews, alongside anthropological theory to analyze the effects of economic and border enforcement policies on indigenous people from Southern Mexico, the effects of ethnicity and citizenship hierarchies on health, the interactions and misunderstandings between Mexican migrant patients and their physicians, as well as the ways in which social and health inequalities come to be taken for granted as well as sometimes confronted and challenged. He has also conducted research on medical education and the ways in which medical trainees learn to manage uncertainty and perform clinical competence, which led to the publication of the special issue of Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry “Anthropologies of Contemporary Clinical Training”, co-edited with Angela Jenks and Scott Stonington. Along with many others at the intersection of the social sciences and medicine, he has worked on other broad topics leading to the publication of a special issue of PLoS Medicine “Social Medicine in the Twenty-First Century”, co-edited with Scott Stonington, and the publication of the special issue of Social Science and Medicine “Ethnography of Health for Social Change”, co-edited with Helena Hansen and Danielle Lindemann. Most recently, in response to the European refugee crisis, he co-edited a curated issue of American Ethnologist “Refugees and Immigrants: Mobilities, In/exclusions, and Activisms” with Heide Castaneda, Daniel Monterescu, and Anastiina Kallius. Holmes has published articles in anthropology, public health, medical, and immigration studies journals, one of which received the 2006 Rudolf Virchow Award from the Society for Medical Anthropology. In addition, he has written for The Huffington Post, Access Denied, Salon.com and been interviewed by multiple newspapers, journals as well as NPR, PRI, Pacifica Radio and Radio Bilingue shows.