Servais-Théodore Pinckaers

Servais-Théodore Pinckaers O.P. was a noted moral theologian, Roman Catholic priest, and member of the Dominican Order. He has been especially influential in the renewal of a theological and Christological approach to Christian virtue ethics.


Servais Theodore Pinckaers was born in Liège in 1925 and raised in the village of Wonck in Belgium’s Walloon region. In 1945 he entered the Dominican Order and pursued his studies in theology at the Belgian Dominican Studium at La Sarte, obtaining his license in theology under the direction of Jérôme Hamer, writing his thesis on Henri de Lubac’s Surnaturel. He pursued doctoral studies at the Pontificium Athenaeum Internationale Angelicum, the future Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, attending the classes of such notables as Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Paul Philippe and Mario Luigi Ciappi. His dissertation, written under the direction of Louis-Bertrand Gillon, was a study of the medieval theology of hope, entitled “La vertu d’espérance de Pierre Lombard à saint Thomas”.
Upon completion of his studies, Fr. Pinckaers returned to the Dominican Studium at La Sarte to teach moral theology from 1954-1965.. It was also at La Sarte that Fr. Pinckaers undertook his first efforts to renew the contemporary understanding of moral theology, foreshadowing the Vatican Council’s call to renewal by several years. The fruits of these labors, which had been published as articles in various places, were subsequently drawn together in his groundbreaking study, Le renouveau de la morale. It was also at La Sarte that he wrote the textual analysis and commentary for Questions 6 through 21 of the Prima Secundae for the Revue des Jeunes’ bilingual edition of the Summa Theologiae. Fr. Pinckaers referred to his time at La Sarte, both as a student and later as a professor, as the time when he attained the insights that he would subsequently present and develop in his later work. These central insights for the renewal of moral theology are ' the primacy of the Word of God, as a living Word that speaks to every generation and which is higher than any merely human word; ' the foundational importance of the fathers of the Church, especially Augustine; and the lasting value of St. Thomas’ method and insights.
After the Studium at La Sarte was closed in 1965, Fr. Pinckaers went to the Dominican priory at Liège and engaged in pastoral ministry for the next eight years, years that shaped the pastoral concern expressed in much of his work. Then, in 1975 he was called to fill the French language chair in fundamental moral theology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, where he taught for the next twenty-five years. As emeritus professor he remained in Fribourg, in residence at the international Dominican priory of St. Albert the Great, until his death on 7 April 2008. He was eighty-two.


His most well-known work in English is The Sources of Christian Ethics, which has been well received by a surprisingly varied cross-section of the Church in America and in English-speaking countries. Other works in English include: his introduction to moral thought entitled Morality: the Catholic View ; , a collection of his most significant essays, subsequent to the publication of The Sources of Christian Ethics. Moreover, of special interest are the essay, “The Sources of the Ethics of St. Thomas Aquinas”, and his popular presentation of the Christian call to flourishing through the Beatitudes, The Pursuit of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes.
Pinckaers labored to demonstrate a complete vision of Catholic theology. He has argued that the academic departmentalization of theological disciplines risks falsifying the nature of theology. Returning to Aquinas' model and insight by drawing from scriptural, patristic, magisterial and contemporary sources, he has recognized that an interconnection of philosophical, moral, spiritual, and theological perspectives is needed in order to do justice to Christian agency and the interplay of nature and grace, law and prudence, human and divine interaction in the pursuit of Christian flourishing. With attention turned to fully Christian moral agency, his 25 books and over 300 articles aim either at academic or popular audiences.
His more academic works include a large number of articles and the following books: Ce qu’on ne peut jamais faire. La question des actes intrinsèquement mauvais: Histoire et discussion ; L’Evangile et la morale ; La morale catholique ; and La vie selon l’Esprit: Essai de théologie spirituelle selon saint Paul et saint Thomas d’Aquin. In 2001, he published a new textual analysis and commentary for the first five questions of the Prima Secundae for the second edition of the Revue des Jeunes bilingual edition of the Summa Theologiae.
His more popular works include an even larger number of articles for journals such as Sources and Kerit, as well as the following books: La faim de l’Evangile ; La quête du Bonheur ; La justice évangélique ; La Prière chrétienne. A list of books and a selection of his articles are found below.
After a period of inactivity following a heart attack, Fr. Pinckaers published A la découverte de Dieu dans les Confessions, the first of a two volume study of St. Augustine whose general title is: En promenade avec saint Augustin. The second volume. yet forthcoming in 2015, is on the Trinity. He also published Plaidoyer pour la vertu, which was one of three works to receive an honorable mention as runners up for the Grand prix catholique de littérature for 2007. In the year before his death, Fr. Pinckaers prepared several texts for publication, including Passions et vertu.

Services and honors

Servais Pinckaers also served on several Roman commissions, including the Commission that wrote the Catechism of the Catholic Church, contributing to the moral section, and the preparatory commissions for the encyclical Veritatis Splendor. From 1989 to 2005 he was consulter to the Congregation for Catholic Education. From 1992 until 1997 he was a member of the International Theological Commission.
In 1990, he was named Magister Sacrae Theologiae, the highest academic honor bestowed by the Dominican Order. In 2000, he received an honorary doctorate in “Theology of Marriage and Family” from the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome.

Chronological overview

  1. Notes et appendices de: S. Thomas d’Aquin, Les actes humains, vol. I. Editions de La Revue des jeunes, Paris, Cerf, 1961.
  2. Le renouveau de la morale. Etudes pour une morale fidèle à ses sources et à sa mission présente, Preface by M. D. Chenu, Tournai, Casterman, 1964.
  3. # Italian translation: Il rinnovamento della morale. Studi per una morale fedele alle sue fonti e alla sua missione attuale, Turin, Borla, 1968.
  4. # Spanish translation: La renovación de la moral. Estudios para une moral fiel a sus fuentes y a su cometido actuel, Estella, Verbo Divino, 1971.
  5. Traduction et commentaires de: S. Thomas d’Aquin, Les actes humains, vol. II. Editions de La Revue des jeunes, Paris, Cerf, 1965.
  6. La faim de l’Evangile, Paris, Téqui, 1977.
  7. # Italian translation: La via della felicità. Alla riscoperta del Discorso della montagna, Milan, Edizioni Ares, 1997, section II.
  8. La quête du bonheur, Paris, Téqui, 1979.
  9. # Italian translation: La via della felicità. Alla riscoperta del Discorso della montagna, Milan, Edizioni Ares, 1997, section I.
  10. # English translation: The Pursuit of Happiness—God’s Way: Living the Beatitudes, New York, Alba House, 1998.
  11. # Polish translation: Szczęście Odnalezione, Poznan, "W drodze", 1998.
  12. La Morale: somma di doveri? legge d’amore?, Rome, Edizioni "La Guglia", 1982.
  13. Les sources de la morale chrétienne. Sa méthode, son contenu, son histoire, Fribourg, Editions Universitaires, 1985/1993.
  14. # Italian translation: Le fonti della morale cristiana. Metodo, contenuto, storia, Milan, Edizioni Ares, 1985.
  15. # Spanish translation: Las fuentes de la moral cristiana, Pamplona, UNSA, 1988/20002.
  16. # Polish translation: Źrόdła moralności chrześcijańskiej, Posnan, "W drodze", 1994.
  17. # English translation: The Sources of Christian Ethics,, Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 1995.
  18. # Dutch translation: De bronnen van de christelijke moraal: Methode, inhoud, geschiedenis,, 's-Hertogenbosch, Uigeverij Betsaida, 2013.
  19. La justice évangélique, Paris, Téqui, 1986.
  20. Ce qu’on ne peut jamais faire. La question des actes intrinsèquement mauvais. Histoire et discussion, Fribourg, Editions Universitaires, 1986.
  21. # English translation of ch. II: "A Historical Perspective on Intrinsically Evil Acts ", ch. 11, in: The Pinckaers Reader, pp. 185–235.)
  22. La prière chrétienne, Fribourg, Editions Universitaires, 1989.
  23. La grâce de Marie. Commentaire de l’Ave Maria, Paris, Médiaspaul, 1989.
  24. L’Evangile et la morale, Fribourg, Editions Universitaires, 1989.
  25. # Italian translation: La Parola e la coscienza, Turin, Società editrice internazionale, 1991.
  26. # Spanish translation: El Evangelio y la Moral, Barcelona, Eiunsa, 1992.
  27. La morale catholique, Paris, Cerf, 1991.
  28. # Italian translation: La morale cattolica, Turin, Edizioni paoline, 1993.
  29. # English translation: Morality: The Catholic View, South Bend, Ind., St. Augustine’s Press, 2001/2003.
  30. # Spanish translation: La moral católica, Madrid, Ediciones Rialp, 2001.
  31. # German translation: Christus und das Glück. Grundriss der christlichen Ethik,, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2004.
  32. # Hungarian Translation: Katolikus erkölcstan, Budapest, JEL könyvkiadó, 2010.
  33. Pour une lecture de Veritatis splendor, Paris, Cahiers de l’Ecole Cathédrale, Mame, 1995.
  34. # Spanish translation: Para leer la Veritatis Splendor, Madrid, Rialp, 1996.
  35. # English translation: "An Encyclical for the Future: Veritatis splendor", in: Veritatis Splendor and the Renewal of Moral Theology
  36. La vie selon l’Esprit. Essai de théologie spirituelle selon saint Paul et saint Thomas d’Aquin, Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 1996.
  37. # Italian translation: La Vita spirituale del cristiano. Secondo san Paolo e san Tommaso d’Aquino, Milan, Jaca Book, 1995.
  38. # German translation: Das geistliche Leben des Christen, Theologie und Spiritualität nach Paulus und Thomas von Aquin,, Paderborn, Bonifatius Druckerei, 1999.
  39. # Croatian translation: O Duhovnom Životu. Pavlov i Tomin Nauk,, Zagreb, Kršćanska Sadašnjost, 2000.
  40. Un grand chant d’amour. La Passion selon saint Matthieu, Saint-Maur, Parole et Silence, 1997.
  41. Au Cœur de l’évangile, le « Notre Père », Saint-Maur, Parole et Silence, 1999.
  42. La Spiritualité du martyre, Versailles, Editions Saint-Paul, 2000.
  43. # English translation: The Spirituality of Martyrdom, trans. Patrick M. Clark and Annie Hounsokou. Washington D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2016.
  44. A l’école de l’admiration, Versailles, Editions Saint-Paul, 2001.
  45. Traduction et commentaire de: S. Thomas d’Aquin, La béatitude, Editions de La Revue des jeunes, Paris, Cerf, 2001.
  46. En Promenade avec saint Augustin. A la découverte de Dieu dans les Confessions, Paris, Parole et Silence, 2002.
  47. , Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2005.
  48. Plaidoyeur pour la vertu, Paris, Parole et Silence, 2007.
  49. # Hungarian translation: Az erények védelmében, in Séta az erények kertjében - Az erények védelmében - Erények és szenvedélyek, Budapest, Kairosz Kiadó, 2015, pp. 9-280.
  50. Passions et vertu, Paris, Parole et Silence, 2009.
  51. # English translation Passions and Virtue, trans. Benedict M. Guevin OSB. Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2015.
  52. # Hungarian translation: Erények és szenvedélyek, in Séta az erények kertjében - Az erények védelmében - Erények és szenvedélyek, Budapest, Kairosz Kiadó, 2015, pp. 281-384.
  53. En Promenade avec saint Augustin. De Trinitate. Volume 2. Parole et Silence, Forthcoming.
  54. L'attrait de la parole: sur les chemins de la morale chrétienne.'' Parole et Silence, Forthcoming.

    Articles (selection since 1990)
