Sergio Aguayo

Sergio Aguayo Quezada is a Mexican academic and human rights activist. He has been a professor and researcher for El Colegio de México since 1977, visiting professor at Harvard University since 2015 and a member of the Mexican Researchers National System


Sergio Aguayo is a Researcher at Colegio de México and has taught at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and been a guest teacher at various national and international universities.
He was a founding member of the newspaper La Jornada and the magazine Este País. He is a columnist for Reforma and other Mexican newspapers, and participates as an analyst on the television show Primer Plano, a political analysis show broadcast on the Instituto Politécnico Nacional's XEIPN, for which he received the José Pagés Llergo Journalism Prize. Additionally, he is a guest columnist for the Spanish newspaper El País. Until 2015, he was also commentator at the Mesa Política of the radio broadcasting of Noticias MVS with Carmen Aristegui.
Sergio Aguayo received his BA in International Relations at El Colegio de México. He obtained his Masters, PhD and postgraduate studies at the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.
From 1990 to 1996 he was President of the Academia Mexicana de Derechos Humanos, and from 1994 to 1999 he was a member of the National Coordination of Alianza Cívica. He presided the Alianza Cívica, Asociación Política Nacional and Propuesta Cívica. Dr. Aguayo was also President of the board of directors of Fundar, Centro de Análisis e Investigación.
