Seppo Hentilä

Seppo Juhani Hentilä, is a Finnish historian.
Hentilä was 1980–98 docent in political history at Helsinki University and became 1998 professor in the subject of matter. He has studied the DDR-Finnish relations and Finnish athletics history. Amongst his productions can be found Suomen työläisurheilun historia, Kaksi Saksaa ja Suomi and several academic textbooks.
In 2007 to 2008 Hentilä was a visiting professor in the Berlin's Humboldt University. Hentilä has also written about the Swedish working class movement and socialdemocracy: Den svenska arbetarklassen och reformismens genombrott inom SAP före 1914: arbetarklassens ställning, strategi och ideologi. This study is also translated to English.