Self-uniting marriage

A self-uniting marriage is one in which the couple are married without the presence of a third-party officiant. Although non-denominational, this method of getting married is sometimes referred to as a "Quaker marriage", after the marriage practice of the Religious Society of Friends, for which see Quaker wedding.

By state


California allows "non-clergy marriage" by "members of a particular religious society or denomination not having clergy for the purpose of solemnizing marriage or entering the marriage relation," provided that specified forms, including the signatures of two witnesses, are properly completed and filed. An atheist couple in San Francisco reportedly were allowed to have a non-clergy marriage under this provision of California law, by entering "atheist" in the box for "religious society or denomination" on the non-clergy marriage form.
Another section of California law allows for marriages without formal clergy by letting the county clerk appoint someone as a "deputy commissioner of civil marriages", typically for a day, who may solemnize marriages.


Colorado allows self-solemnization without requiring a special form of application or witnesses.

District of Columbia

The District of Columbia allows couples to officiate their own wedding.


Illinois law states that "if no individual acting alone solemnized the marriage, both parties to the marriage, shall complete the marriage certificate form and forward it to the county clerk within 10 days after such marriage is solemnized." Nonetheless, such weddings must be "in accordance with the prescriptions of any religious denomination, Indian Nation or Tribe or Native Group."


Kansas law provides that, "The two parties themselves, by mutual declarations that they take each other as husband and wife, in accordance with the customs, rules and regulations of any religious society, denomination or sect to which either of the parties belong, may be married without an authorized officiating person." And further provides that, "All marriages solemnized among the society called Friends, or Quakers, in the form previously practiced and in use in their meetings shall be good and valid and shall not be construed as affected by any of the foregoing provisions of this act."


Maine exempts "Quakers or Friends" and "members of the Baha'i faith" from the requirement for a third-party officiant.


Nevada law provides that, "All marriages solemnized among the people called 'Friends' or 'Quakers,' in the forms heretofore practiced and in use in their meetings, shall be good and valid."


Pennsylvania has recognized such marriages for centuries and has offered licenses for these marriages for decades. These marriages only require the signatures of two witnesses in place of an officiant.
The issuance of self-uniting marriage licenses is controversial, however. Some Pennsylvania counties do not offer this form of license at all. Others only allowed such marriages when license applicants could prove they were members of a recognized religion without clergy, such as Quakers, the Amish, and the Bahá'í Faith;Knelly v. Wagner, Federal Court, Western District. however, in 2007, a Federal judge ruled that a Pennsylvania couple that was denied a self-uniting marriage on the basis of their secular beliefs must be allowed such a license.


Wisconsin allows self-uniting marriages, without asking questions, but a form must be signed that states that the government issuing the marriage license cannot guarantee that the marriage will be recognized in all contexts.