Seeing Ear Theater

Seeing Ear Theater was an internet based drama/re-enactment troupe attempting to capture the feel of older scifi radio plays. The content was originally maintained on the website and ran from 1997-2001. Episodes can be retrieved from the Internet Archive, but the episode numbers and dates are incorrect.
List of episodes for the Seeing Ear Theater radio show.
TitleAir Date Author
Alice In Wonderland1998? mm? dd?Lewis Carroll
The Bigger One1998? mm? dd?Gregory Benford
Black Canoes2000 09 01Tony Daniel
Breakaway, Backdown1997? mm? dd?James Patrick Kelly
Child's PlayUnknownWilliam Tenn
A Clean Escape1997 mm? dd?John Kessel
The Country Doctor1997 03 dd?Franz Kafka
Daughter Earth - Part 11999 02 08James Morrow
Daughter Earth - Part 21999 02 22James Morrow
Death Of Captain Future1998 03 05Allen Steele
Diary of A Mad Deity2000 mm? dd?James Morrow
A Dry Quiet War2000? mm? dd?Tony Daniel
An Elevator and a PoleUnknownTony Daniel
Emily 501 - Part 11999 12 31Tamara Hladik
Emily 501 - Part 2UnknownTamara Hladik
FacadeUnknownAmanda Hopkins
Feel The Zaz - Part 11999 10 04James Patrick Kelly
Feel The Zaz - Part 21999 10 18James Patrick Kelly
Fire Watch2000? mm? dd?Connie Willis
The First Musical on Mars - Part 11998 08 17George Zarr
The First Musical on Mars - Part 21998 08 24George Zarr
The Flat Edge of the Earth - Part 11998 10 03Brian Smith and Terry Bisson
The Flat Edge of the Earth - Part 21998 10 12Brian Smith and Terry Bisson
George and the Red Giant - Part 11998 07 20Stephen Baxter
George and the Red Giant - Part 21998 08 03Stephen Baxter
A Good Knight's WorkUnknownRobert Bloch
Greedy Choke Puppy1998 03 10Nalo Hopkinson
Herd Mentality1998 03 31Kurt Roth
History of the Devil, Part 11999 03 08Clive Barker
History of the Devil, Part 21999 03 22Clive Barker
History of the Devil, Part 31999 04 05Clive Barker
History of the Devil, Part 41999 04 19Clive Barker
History of the Devil, Part 51999 05 03Clive Barker
In The Shade of the Slowboat ManUnknownDean Wesley Smith
Into The Sun1997 03 10Brian Smith
The Jaguar HunterUnknownUnknown
Jumping Niagara Falls1999 10 30Brian Smith and George Zarr
Kindred - Part 1 of 42001 02 15Octavia Butler
Kindred - Part 2 of 42001 02 20Octavia Butler
Kindred - Part 3 of 42001 02 22Octavia Butler
Kindred - Part 4 of 42001 02 27Octavia Butler
Knock2000? mm? dd?Fredric Brown
Lay Your Hands On MeUnknownUnknown
Legend of Sleepy Hollow1997? mm? dd?Washington Irving
The Lucky Strike2000 07 21Kim Stanley Robinson
The Man Who Could Work MiraclesUnknownH.G. Wells
Marilyn or the Monster - Part 11999 12 03Jack Dann
Marilyn or the Monster - Part 21999 12 17Jack Dann
The Martian Crown Jewels1998 mm? dd?Poul Anderson
Meet The Neighbor1999 06 28George Zarr
Monkeys Paw1998? mm? dd?W. W. Jacobs
Neil Gaiman's Murder Mysteries -part 11999 08 ?Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman's Murder Mysteries -part 21999 09 10Neil Gaiman
The Nostalgianauts2000? mm? dd?S.N. Dyer
The Oblivion Syndrome1998? mm? dd?Benjamin Wach
Orson The Alien1998 10 30Terry Bisson
Other Worlds1999 01 25Charles Potter
Propagation of Light in a Vacuum - Part 11999 07 12James Patrick Kelly
Propagation of Light in a Vacuum - Part 21999 07 26James Patrick Kelly
The Signal-Man1998? mm? dd?Charles Dickens
Snow Glass Apples2001 05 31Neil Gaiman
Sorry, Wrong Number1999 11 01Lucille Fletcher
The Tell-Tale Heart1997 04 dd?Edgar Allan Poe
Think Like a Dinosaur1998 02 05-
The Time MachineUnknownH.G. Wells
Times Arrow, Time's Spiral1998 12 28George Zarr
Titanic Dreams2000? mm? dd?Robert Olen Butler
Too Late - An Experiment in Sound1998? mm? dd?Brian Smith, George Zarr, and Rick Bradley
Tripping Astral1997? mm? dd?Unknown
Wanted In Surgery1997 10 31Harlan Ellison
The Wheel - Part 11999 05 17Jeff Kraus and Sue Zizza
The Wheel - Part 21999 05 31Jeff Kraus and Sue Zizza
The City of Dreams - Episode 1: The Damned Are Playing At Godzilla's Tonight2000 07 10J. Michael Straczynski
The City of Dreams - Episode 2: Rolling Thunder2000 mm? dd?J. Michael Straczynski
The City of Dreams - Episode 3: The Friends of Jackie Clay2000 mm? dd?J. Michael Straczynski
The City of Dreams - Episode 4: The Tolling Of The Hour2000 mm? dd?J. Michael Straczynski
The City of Dreams - Episode 5: Night Calls2001 mm? dd?J. Michael Straczynski
The City of Dreams - Episode 6: MCSD 00121J2001 mm? dd?J. Michael Straczynski
The City of Dreams - Episode 7: Samuel Beckett, Your Ride Is Here2001 mm? dd?J. Michael Straczynski
The City of Dreams - Episode 8: The Alpha And Omega Of David Wells2001 mm? dd?J. Michael Straczynski
The Moon Moth - Part 12000 08 04Jack Vance
The Moon Moth - Part 22000 08 11Jack Vance