Security and Growth for All in the Region

Security and Growth for All in the Region is India's policy or doctrine of maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean region. On 12 March 2015, the Prime Minister of India had first taken reference to SAGAR in a speech and elaborated on it in five points. Modi had said, "Our goal is to seek a climate of trust and transparency; respect for international maritime rules and norms by all countries; sensitivity to each other`s interests; peaceful resolution of maritime issues; and increase in maritime cooperation". This was followed by the External Affairs Minister referencing SAGAR in two speeches. However, since then, India has not officially released any single report or document outlining the doctrine or policy. This is not unique to SAGAR, as even the "Ten Principles of India-Africa Cooperation" was mentioned in speeches but not promulgated on paper officially. However, substantial initiatives have been taken which fall within the basic elements of SAGAR.