Seal of Minnesota

The Great Seal of the State of Minnesota is the state seal of the U.S. state of Minnesota. Originally adopted in 1858, it has undergone several alterations since then, in 1971 and 1983.


The sun, visible on the western horizon, signifies summer in the northern hemisphere. The horizon's visibility signifies the flat plains covering much of Minnesota. The American Indian on horseback is riding towards the south and represents the American Indian heritage of Minnesota. The Indian's horse and spear and the Pioneer's ax, rifle, and plow represent tools that were used for hunting and labor. The stump symbolizes the importance of the lumber industry in Minnesota's history. The Mississippi River and St. Anthony Falls are depicted to note the importance of these resources in transportation and industry. The cultivated ground and the plow symbolize the importance of agriculture in Minnesota. Beyond the falls three pine trees represent the state tree and the three pine regions of Minnesota; the St. Croix, Mississippi, and Lake Superior.
In the original version, the Indian is dressed in his war costumes while the farmer is in the field with his firearm. There seems to have been great tension between certain tribes of the Sioux and the settlers. "The Indian's Revenge" by Alexander Berghold, writes about an outbreak of Indian attacks which started much as the scene in the original seal. The author makes the statement that after the attacks, settlers were allowed to kill any Sioux that was found in a settlement and that no settler left their home without their rifle. He goes on to say, "The seal of the State, therefore, seems very appropriate."

Government Seals of Minnesota