Screen (journal)

Screen is an academic journal of film and television studies based at the University of Glasgow and published by Oxford University Press. The editors-in-chief are Tim Bergfelder, Alison Butler, Dimitris Eleftheriotis, Karen Lury, Alastair Phillips, Jackie Stacey, and Sarah Street.


Screen originated in the Society of Film Teachers' journal, The Film Teacher, in 1952. Soon after, the society was renamed as the Society for Education in Film and Television and its journal changed its name to Screen Education in 1960. Screen Education was renamed to Screen in 1969, although a separate journal titled Screen Education was also published.
During the 1970s, Screen was particularly influential in the nascent field of film studies. It published many articles that have become standards in the field—including Laura Mulvey's seminal work, "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema". It is still highly regarded in academic circles.
Screen theory, a Marxist-psychoanalytic film theory that came to prominence in Britain in the early 1970s, took its name from Screen.

Abstracting and indexing

The journal is abstracted and indexed in: