Scouting and Guiding in Mexico
The Scouting and Guiding movement in Mexico consists of several independent organizations.
- Asociación de Scouts de México, Asociación Civil, member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement
- Guías de México, member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
- , a member of the World Federation of Independent Scouts
- Federación Mexicana de Scouts Independientes, A. C., a member of the World Federation of Independent Scouts
- * Scouts y Guías Baden Powell, A. C.
- * independent local groups
- Scouts Mexicanos, A. C., member of the Order of World Scouts
- .
International Scouting in Mexico
- WAGGGS' world centre Our Cabaña, in Cuernavaca, Mexico, opened in 1957. In addition, there are American Boy Scouts in Mexico City and Chihuahua, linked to the Direct Service branch of the Boy Scouts of America, which supports units around the world.