Scott McAboy

Scott McAboy is a director and producer best known for the children's movies Splitting Adam, Jinxed, Big Time Movie, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library,Swindle, Saved, Son of The Beach and The Fairly Odd Parents.
McAboy won the Leo Award for Best Direction in a Youth or Children's Program or Series and Best Youth or Children's Program or Series for Splitting Adam on June 4, 2016. Santa Hunters also won a Leo Award in 2015 for Best Youth or Children's Program or Series. Most recently, McAboy won a Leo Award for Best Direction in a Youth or Children's Program or Series and Best Youth or Children's Program or Series for Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library.
2019 projects include Malibu Rescue, an action feature for Netflix and the series that follows. Both are being produced in Malibu, California.
