Science of Success (magazine)

Science of Success was an Iranian quarterly magazine on social, political, cultural and artistic matters which has been publishing between 2003 and 2008 in Tehran; before its license being revoked by the Press Supervisory Board in 2008.


Science of Success was a magazine used to be published between 2003 and 2008, first as monthly then quarterly. It was focused on social, political, cultural and artistic topics. This magazine was managed by some members of Science of Success Institution (one of the NGO's affiliated to the Elyasin Community.
The main purpose of the magazine was to increase the public awareness as well as providing a base for training some success methods based on Fattahi's teachings However, its license was revoked by the Press Supervisory Board in 2008.

Editorial Board

The concessionaire and manager in–charge of the magazine was Farangis Kazemi. Its chief editors have respectively been Hamidreza Hemati, Roxana Khushabi, Fatemeh Zandi, and Maryam Maddah

Reasons for License Revocation

In 2008, the Press Supervisory Board located in Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Iran revoked the magazine's license on a charge of "breaching the Iranian constitution". Although, according to the magazine's authorities, this was an unreal allegation and the true reason for that license revocation was the connection of the magazines with Elia M and Elyasin Community as well as a number of published articles in field of marriage and creative speech written based on Elia's teachings. Some of those articles are as follow: