Schmidts's big-eared bat

Schmidts's big-eared bat is a bat species from South and Central America.


Individuals weigh and have forearm lengths of.
Its ears are long with rounded tips.
Its dorsal fur is brown while its ventral fur light gray or whitish.
Its dental formula is for a total of 34 teeth.

Biology and ecology

It is insectivorous, though it possibly also consumes fruit.
It is nocturnal, roosting in sheltered places during the day such as hollow trees or in human structures.

Range and habitat

It is found in several countries in Central and South America.
Its range includes: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia Costa Rica, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.
It is generally documented in lowland areas.


As of 2016, it is assessed as a least-concern species by the IUCN.
It meets the criteria for this classification because it has a wide geographic range, and its population size is unlikely to be in rapid decline.