Scattering amplitude

In quantum physics, the scattering amplitude is the probability amplitude of the outgoing spherical wave relative to the incoming plane wave in a stationary-state scattering process.
The latter is described by the wavefunction
where is the position vector; ; is the incoming plane wave with the wavenumber along the axis; is the outgoing spherical wave; is the scattering angle; and is the scattering amplitude. The dimension of the scattering amplitude is length.
The scattering amplitude is a probability amplitude; the differential cross-section as a function of scattering angle is given as its modulus squared,

Partial wave expansion

In the partial wave expansion the scattering amplitude is represented as a sum over the partial waves,
where is the partial scattering amplitude and are the Legendre polynomials.
The partial amplitude can be expressed via the partial wave S-matrix element and the scattering phase shift as
Then the differential cross section is given by
and the total elastic cross section becomes
where is the imaginary part of.


The scattering length for X-rays is the Thomson scattering length or classical electron radius, 0.


The nuclear neutron scattering process involves the coherent neutron scattering length, often described by.

Quantum mechanical formalism

A quantum mechanical approach is given by the S matrix formalism.


The scattering amplitude can be determined by the scattering length in the low-energy regime.