Sayyid Ibraheem Khaleel Al Bukhari

Sayyid Ibraheem Khaleel Al Bukhari is founder and chairman of Ma'din Academy and adviser of World Interfaith Harmony Week. He is a sunni sufi Islamic scholar, General Secretary of Kerala Muslim Jamaat, a body of various Muslim organisations in Kerala and he is listed in The Muslim 500.

Early life

Sayyid Bukhari was born in 1964 in a family of scholars in Kadalundi, a village in Kozhikode district, Kerala, India. Bukhari belongs to one of the oldest Muslim families in India, which had migrated from Uzbekistan and settled in the northern part of Kerala. He acquired primary education from his parents especially from his father Sayyid Ahmed Bukhari, the spiritual guide of that region. Under the guidance of Beeran Koya Musliyar, he pursued his higher education and graduated with 2nd rank in Islamic Theology from Baqiyat Salihat Arabic College in Tamil Nadu, India.
Immediately after completing his graduation in 1997, he established Ma'din Academy at Swalath Nagar in Malappuram. He has traveled world-wide, lectured to thousands, and composed several works spanning education and contemporary issues. Now in Ma'din under his supervision and spiritual shadow 22000 students are gaining their education in about 28 institutions ranging from primary to postgraduate level. He is respectfully called Sayyid Bukhari in Kerala.
