Saudi Arabia men's national ice hockey team

The Saudi Arabian national ice hockey team is the national ice hockey team of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is currently not a member of the IIHF and does not have any governing bodies of ice hockey in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabian Nationals first played ice hockey in the early 1990s. Ice hockey was played in Riyadh at the Fal Shopping Center Ice Rink, a rink 1/3 the size of a standard North American sized ice rink. In 1994 five Saudis were part of a team consisting of mostly ex-pats from Canada and Finland. This particular team was the winner of the Canuck Cup held in Dubai. A member of the team was Prince Ahmed Al Saud. A fan of hockey after watching it played in New York.
Saudi Arabia played its first game in 2010 during the Gulf Ice Hockey Championship which was held in Kuwait City, Kuwait. Saudi Arabia played three games losing their opener against Kuwait 10-3. In their second game in the tournament Saudi Arabia were beaten by a larger margin then the first, losing to the United Arab Emirates 14-1. In their final game of the tournament Saudi Arabia won their first ever international game after they defeated Oman 3-1. Saudi Arabia finished third in the four team tournament with the United Arab Emirates winning gold.

International competitions

As of 29 May 2010