Saraya Abdeen

Saraya Abdeen is an Egyptian historical TV drama series, The first season was aired on MBC on 29 June 2014, written by Kuwaiti author Heba Meshari Hamada, directed by Amr Arafa, produced by Mahmood Shokri, and starring Qusai Khouli, Yousra, Nour, May Kassab, Ghada Adel and Nelly Karim. The series focuses on life of Isma'il Pasha who was the Khedive of Egypt and Sudan from 1863 to 1879, with his wives and concubines and their Intrigues on each other with their servants and slaves. A second season was released in April 2014 which was directed by Shadi Abu Al-Oyoun Al-Soud.
