Santa María la Redonda

Santa María la Redonda is a traditional neighborhood located in the Cuauhtémoc municipality of Mexico City now part of colonia Guerrero close to Tepito and La Lagunilla. Even is not a formal colonia, Santa María la Redonda is a recognized and traditional zone formed after the Conquest of Mexico on one of the four original neighborhoods of Mexico-Tenochtitlan, Cuepopan-Tlaquechiuhca.

Mesoamerican period

The current area of Santa María La Redonda was the Cuepopan-Tlaquechiuhca, one of the four campan or neighborhoods part of the original island of Mexico Tenochtitlan. As a campan the neighborhood has the right to have a main temple devoted to the area. This temple was located in the area that occupies today the Temple of Santa María la Redonda, stablished in 1524 by Pedro de Gante.