Santa Clara Valley Water District

The Santa Clara Valley Water District provides stream stewardship, wholesale water supply and flood protection for Santa Clara County, California, in the southern San Francisco Bay Area. The district encompasses all of the county's and serves the area's 15 cities, 2 million residents and more than 200,000 commuters. The district's three water treatment plants can produce as much as of drinking water a day. Another part of the district's mission is to manage flood and storm waters along the county's hundreds of miles of creeks and rivers in an environmentally sensitive manner.

Dams owned by the district

The district owns many dams, including:
In December 2010 the Santa Clara Valley Water District was chosen as the water agency award recipient for the California Sustainability Alliance's Sustainability Showcase Award. This award honors the District's commitment to sustainability as shown through their award-winning water use efficiency and conservation program.


The Santa Clara Valley Water District is governed by 7 elected directors. Nai Hsueh, is Chair of the Board for 2020. Nai has Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Hydraulic Engineering and is a Registered Civil Engineer in California. She worked at the District for three decades rising from Junior Engineer to Chief of Capital Programs.