San Mateo (canton)

San Mateo is the fourth canton in the province of Alajuela in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of, and has a population of 7,600.
The capital city of the canton is also called San Mateo.


The northern border of the elongated province is formed by the Río Jesús María, Río Machuca, Río Agua Agría, Río Calera and Quebrada Zapote. The Quebrada Concepción, Río Grande de Tárcoles and the Río Machuca establish the southern border. Cerro La Lana is a landmark that delineates a northeast tip of the canton.


The canton of San Mateo is subdivided into four districts :
  1. San Mateo
  2. Desmonte
  3. Jesús María
  4. Labrador


The canton was established by a decree of August 7, 1868.