
Samāʾil is a Wilayah located in Ad-Dakhiliyah Region of the Sultanate of Oman.

Wadi Sama'il

The valley or wadi of Sama'il, also referred to as the "Sumail Gap", divides Al Hajar Mountains into the Eastern and Western subranges. A route from the coast to the country's interior traverses the valley. The gap extends about from the coast and Muscat Airport on one hand to Sama'il on the other. The route ends at Izki, and acts as the main road from Muscat to Nizwa. The highest point in the gap is above above sea level.


Masjid Māzin is considered to be the oldest mosque in the country. It was founded by Māzin bin Ghaḍūbah, who was considered to the first Omani who adopted Islam during Muhammad's lifetime.
Historically, the route along the Sumail Gap was used for trade and communication between coastal and interior areas of Oman. Caravans had used this route for trading in frankincense, and its explorers include Marco Polo and Ibn Battutah.
