Saint October

Saint October is a Japanese anime television series created by Konami Digital Entertainment and animated by Studio Comet. It was also adapted into a manga series by Kiira, which was serialized in the Japanese magazine Monthly Comic Blade published by Mag Garden in August 2006. The anime series premiered on Chiba TV on January 4, 2007 in Japan. The series revolves around three young girls who work for a detective agency who one day receive magical powers from a mysterious boy. The series' portrayal of magic makes extensive use of tarot symbolism.


Saint October concerns a group of three girls and the detective agency they work for called the Kuroki Detective Agency in Alkana City. The story begins during a case to catch a mysterious masked kidnapper who has been kidnapping young boys for a strange man he answers to as his boss and leader. Kotono is a young girl and a member of the agency, who, due to her young age, is working harder during this case. One night after returning home late alone, Kotono runs into a young boy who's crying alone. With nowhere else to take him, Kotono brings him back to her home at Joshua's church where it is discovered that he has amnesia and cannot remember even his own name. While there, Natsuki Shirafuji, Kotono's friend and fellow detective, arrives to add further information to the kidnapping case. Suddenly, the masked kidnapper appears and successfully kidnaps the boy, but Kotono chases after him and gets the boy back after a short scuffle. Just when all looks lost, the boy uses a magical power to bestow unto Kotono a similar power in order to defeat the kidnapper. After she won, he reveals that he has remembered what his name is: Ewan. Now the focus has turned to who is the kidnapper's boss who has been pursuing Ewan.



;Kotono Hayama
;Natsuki Shirafuji
;Misaki Hijiri
;Kōshirō Kuroki
;Eddie Tsukahara




;Ryōhei Mikado



The Saint October anime series, created by Konami Digital Entertainment, first aired in Japan on January 4, 2007 on Chiba TV and is set to contain 26 episodes. The first DVD will go on sale on March 21, 2007.


Theme songs

;Opening theme: "Wheel of fortune" by Azusa Kataoka, Yukari Fukui and Yu Kobayashi
;Ending Theme 1: "Michi naru Basho e" by Yukari Fukui
;Ending Theme 2: "Sora no Kotoba" by Yu Kobayashi
;Ending Theme 3: "Melow Stereo" by Azusa Kataoka, Yukari Fukui and Yu Kobayashi


The Saint October manga adaptation was first serialized in the Japanese shōnen manga magazine Monthly Comic Blade in August 2006, published by Mag Garden. It is illustrated by Kiira~☆.