
Sadyba is a neighborhood in Mokotów district of Warsaw, Poland. It has an administrative status of osiedle within the city. Sadyba can be divided into Old Sadyba, mainly upper class housing, and New-Sadyba with modern retail stores and communist era high rise apartments. Old and New Sadyba can be divided roughly by Świętego Bonifacego street, just south of the Sadyba Best mall. Sadyba is known as the "Garden City" due to the large number of household and community gardens tended by the residents.


The Sadyba district was home to the Oasis Battalion of the Polish Resistance.


Muzeum Katynskie - A museum dedicated to the memory of the Katyn Massacre.

Muzeum Wojska Polskiego - A collection of Polish military equipment located at Fort Sadyba

Famous residents