Sadie Sparks

Sadie Sparks is an Irish-French animated television series that premiered on Disney Channel in the UK and Ireland on 20 April 2019. The series was created by Bronagh O'Hanlon and is a co-production between Brown Bag Films in Ireland and Cyber Group Studios in France.


Sadie Sparks revolves around the adventures of Sadie, a teenage girl who discovers she has magical abilities and becomes a magician-in-training. She receives the guidance of a magical bunny, Gilbert, who was sent to the human world from the Magical Realm to train Sadie and keep her powers under control, but with this new responsibility Sadie must also balance high school life.



Sadie Sparks is co-produced by Brown Bag Films in Dublin, Ireland, and Cyber Group Studios in Paris, France. The series combines two animation styles; the human world is in 3D, while the Magical Realm that Sadie and Gilbert visit is in 2D. The series is directed towards kids aged 6 to 11-years-old.


The first season has 52 11-minute episodes.


Sadie Sparks premiered on Disney Channel in the UK and Ireland on 20 April 2019, however the first two episodes were released earlier on YouTube on 9 April. In France, the series premiered on Disney Channel on 26 May. In Australia, the series airs on ABC Me. In Canada, the show premiered on Family Channel on 6 January 2020.