Sadak Arjuni

Sadak Arjuni is a village, a Nagar panchayat & tehesil in Arjuni Morgaon Subdivision of Gondia district in the state of Maharashtra, India.
It is connected to National Highway NH-753.


Sadak Arjuni is located at. It has an average elevation of 256 metres.
It is located in Kohmara-Gondia National Highway753.
This is the newly created tehsil in Gondia district. This the small but very important town in that part of the state and one of the major trade centre for paddy and "tendupatta".
It was among noted educational centre with a high school and college in this part of maharashtra even during India's pre independence days. Contributed wholeheartedly in the nation's independence struggle and is house to many freedom fighters.
Sadak/arjuni is 2 km from kohmara which is located on national highway753.
The place is surrounded by the noted national parks of Navegaon bandh and Nagzira. Because of the dense forests, the region gets lot of rainfall during the monsoons. Paddy is the primary crop cultivated here supported by Pigeon Peas and other crops. The best quality rice is grown in this part of the state. In addition to the same it is a major centre for "tendupatta" a leaf used in making "bidi". This is among the major cattle markets in the district.


Sadak Arjuni connected to Gondia via State transport and other sources. Sondad is the nearest railways station. It connected by National Highway 753


It's a new Taluka in the newly formed Gondia District of Maharashtra. Although the market is well devised and lot of scope, due to its proximity to tribal region which comes under Morgaon Arjuni constituency and Bhandara Legislation, Sadak Arjuni have not been able to develop.


Farmers dominates the Taluka, prominently by the Jhade Kunbi sub-caste of Kunbi or Maratha Kunbi society.