Sacro Vergente

Sacro Vergente anno is an Apostolic Letter of Pope Pius XII to all people of Russia. In it the Pope consecrates all the people of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Because of the Virgin Mary, he has great faith in the future of their country but is anguished about the Soviet hostility towards religion in general and the Catholic Church in particular.
The Pope remembered that after he solemnly declared the Virgin Mary taken up into heaven, many wrote to him, asking that he may dedicate the whole Russian people to the immaculate heart of the Virgin. He was grateful for this request, since he had a special affection for the great people, who, while separated from him, continued to fight for its Christian identity with all means and great courage.
As soon as he was elected to the Papacy, Pope Pius XII turned to the people of Russia, "which are blessed with true love of fatherland, modesty, and a real work ethic. Most of all, the Russian people share a deep affection for the most blessed Virgin."
Text of the letter:
"The Pope reviews 1000 years of relations and difficulties and describes the humanitarian efforts of his predecessors, Pope Benedict XV and Pope Pius XI for the needy and hungry populations of the soviet Union. Their efforts were stifled by God-hating persecutors of all Christians in their country. Still, despite of these persecutions, during the war, he himself would not utter one word, which could have been used unfairly, and despite strong pressures, he never approved a war against communism or Russia in 1941. He will not remain silent, when religion, truth or justice are at stake, since it is his deepest wish, that nations are ruled not by military might but justice. Everybody must fairly admit that he was impartial during the last war. Now, that the war is over, it is his duty to speak out and to condemn communism, but this does never mean, that the Church rejects those who err.
"The Pope reminds the Russian people, that the Virgin Mary is always victorious. The gates of hell will never prevail, where she offers her protection. She is the good mother, the mother of all, and it has never been heard, that those who seek her protection, will not receive it. With this confidence, the Pope dedicates all people of Russia to the immaculate heart of the Virgin. She will help. All error and atheism will be overcome with her assistance and divine grace."