Sacramento Metropolitan Cable Television Commission

The Sacramento Metropolitan Cable Television Commission is the joint powers agency responsible for regulating the cable television franchises and licenses in Sacramento County, California. The Commission's Board of Directors is composed of members of the constituent jurisdictions: Sacramento County, Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Rancho Cordova, Folsom, and Galt.

Formal responsibilities

The Commission is responsible for:
The Commission currently licenses four cable television providers:
On March 23, 1993, Sacramento Cable instituted a $5 late fee on cable bills. These fees soon became the most common subject of complaint received by the Commission.
On July 25, 1994 a major class action suit was initiated over the legality of these late fees, which it was contended violated California law. This suit grew out of the Commission's investigation into the issue. The case was settled, and new legislation on late fees was drafted.