SPIN bibliographic database

SPIN bibliographic database is an indexing and abstracting service produced by the American Institute of Physics. The content focus of SPIN is described as the most significant areas of physics research. This type of literature coverage spans the major physical science journals and magazines. Major conference proceedings that are reported by the American Institute of Physics, member societies, as well as affiliated organizations are also included as part of this database. References, or citations, provide access to more than 1.5 million articles as of 2010. SPIN has no print counterpart.


Delivery of timely indexing and abstracting is for, what are deemed to be, the significant or important physics and astronomy journals from the United States, Russia, and the Ukraine. Citations for journal articles are derived from original publications of the AIP, which includes published translated works. At the same time, citations are included from member societies, and selectively chosen American journals. Citations become typically available online on the same date as the corresponding journal article.


Subject coverage encompasses the following: