SDXF is a data serialization format defined by RFC 3072. It allows arbitrary structured data of different types to be assembled in one file for exchanging between arbitrary computers.
The ability to arbitrarily serialize data into a self-describing format is reminiscent of XML, but SDXF is not a text format — SDXF is not compatible with text editors. The maximal length of a datum encoded using SDXF is 16777215 bytes.

Technical structure format

SDXF data can express arbitrary levels of structural depth. Data elements are self-documenting, meaning that the metadata are encoded into the data elements. The design of this format is simple and transparent: computer programs access SDXF data with the help of well-defined functions, exempting programmers from learning the precise data layout.
The word "exchange" in the name reflects another kind of transparency: the SDXF functions provide a computer architecture independent conversion of the data. Serializations can be exchanged among computers without further measures. The SDXF functions on the receiving side handle architectural adaptation.
Structured data is data with patterns predictable more complex than strings of text.


A commercial example: two companies want to exchange digital invoices. The invoices have the following hierarchical nested structure:

│ ├─ NAME
│ ├─ NAME
│ ├─ ZIP
│ ├─ CITY
│ ├─ NAME
│ ├─ NAME
│ ├─ ZIP
│ ├─ CITY
│ │ ├─ ITEM_TEXT
│ │ ├─ CHARGE
│ │ └─ SUM
│ └─...


The basic element is a chunk. An SDXF serialization is itself a chunk. A chunk can consist of a set of smaller chunks.
Chunks are composed of a header prefix of six bytes, followed by data. The header contains a chunk identifier as a 2-byte binary number, the chunk length and type. It may contain additional information about compression, encryption and more.
The chunk type indicates whether the data consists of text, a binary number or if the chunk a composite of other chunks.
Structured chunks enable the programmer to pack hierarchical constructions such as the INVOICE above into an SDXF structure as follow:
Every named term is given a unique number out in the range 1 to 65535. The top/outermost chunk is constructed with the ID INVOICE as a structured chunk on level 1. This INVOICE chunk is filled with other chunks on level 2 and beyond: INVOICE_NO, DATE, ADDRESS_SENDER, ADDRESS_RECIPIENT, INVOICE_SUM, SINGLE_ITEMS, CONDITIONS. Some level 2 chunks are structured in turn as for the two addresses and SINGLE_ITEMS.
For a precise description see page 2 of the RFC or alternatively here.
SDXF allows programmer to work on SDXF structures with a compact function set.
There are only few of them:

The following pseudocode creates invoices:

init ; // initialize the SDXF parameter structure sdx
create ; // start of the main structure
create ; // create an elementary Chunk
create ; // once more
create ; // Substructure
create ; // element. Chunk inside this substructure
create ; // the last one inside this substructure
leave; // closing the substructure ADDRESS_SENDER
leave; // closing the substructure INVOICE

Pseudocode to extract the INVOICE structure could look like:

init ; // initialize the SDXF parameter structure sdx
enter ; // join into the INVOICE structure.

SDXF is not designed for readability or to be modified by text editors. A related editable structure is .