SAF3, also known by its working title Rescue 3, is a syndicated American action-drama television series following the daily challenges of the Sea, Air, and Fire divisions of the Malibu Fire Department. This series consists of 20 episodes that originally ran during the 2013–14 season.
Although this series originated in the United States and is set in California, it's filmed in South African locations such as Cape Town and Camps Bay Beach.Cast
- Dolph Lundgren: Captain John Eriksson, team leader
- J. R. Martinez: Alfonso Rivera, paramedic firefighter
- Texas Battle: Texas Daly, water rescuer
- Katie Meehan: Charley Frazer, rookie lifeguard
- Lydia Hull: Lily Maddox, firefighter
- Jocelyn Osorio: Graciela Vega, field medic
- Danielle Anderson: Kacie West, John's daughter
- Karl Thaning: Jared Taylor, a pilot
- Pia Lamberg: Heather, a lifeguard
- Chris Fisher: Bryce Elliott, a lifeguard
- Travis Burns: Chase Robertson, a lifeguard
Episode list