Sábato Magaldi

Sábato Antonio Magaldi was a Brazilian theater critic, playwright, journalist, teacher, essayist and historian.


Magaldi was born in Belo Horizonte. He graduated in the Law course; however, before the age of 20, he wrote his first criticism, of a play by Jean-Paul Sartre, beginning his career as a theater critic. In 1948, he moved to Rio de Janeiro, where he wrote reviews for the newspaper Diário Carioca, replacing Paulo Mendes Campos as a critic. In 1953, Magaldi went to work in São Paulo, exercising his role in the newspapers O Estado de São Paulo and in Jornal da Tarde, starting in 1966.
He was professor of History of the Brazilian Theater at the School of Dramatic Art at the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo. He also taught for four years at French universities at the University of Paris III and University of Provence. He also was the first municipal secretary of Culture of São Paulo, between April 1975 and July 1979, in the Olavo Setúbal administration.
Magaldi was a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, being elected on December 8, 1994, taking office in July 1995, occupying the chair No. 24 after Ciro dos Anjos.


Sábato Magaldi was one of the organizers of the work of Nelson Rodrigues, of whom he was a personal friend, and was responsible for the classification of his plays according to theme and genre.

Personal life and death

Magaldi was married to writer Edla Van Steen.
On July 2, he was admitted to the Samaritano Hospital in São Paulo, with septic shock and pulmonary impairment, and died on July 14, 2016.

Books written