Run Antony

Run Antony is a 2016 Indian Kannada action thriller film written and directed by Raghu Shastri, making his debut. Produced by Parvathamma Rajkumar, Raghavendra Rajkumar and Guru Rajkumar under Vajreshwari Hospitality banner, the film stars Vinay Rajkumar and debutants Sushmita Joshi and Rukhsar Mir in the lead roles. The film's score and soundtrack is composed by Manikanth Kadri whilst the cinematography is by Manohar Joshi.
The filming has took place from December 2015 and took a stretch of 60 days to complete. The film released on 8 July 2016.



Raghu Shastri, a former assistant to Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap was approached by Raghavendra Rajkumar to direct the script which he had made ready. Actor Vinay found the script interesting and agreed to star in the film choosing this as his second venture after the success of his first film Siddhartha. The script is said to have a blend of both romance and thriller concepts. Early reports suggested the film would launch in November 2015 which eventually got postponed to December 2015.


Soon after selecting Raghu Shastry to direct the film, producer Raghavendra Rajkumar along with his actor son Vinay Rajkumar went on to search for the two female leads by browsing through around 500 photographs. They finalized Rukhsar Mir and Sushmita Joshi to play the roles. While Rukhsar hails from Darjeeling and doing her studies in Bangalore, Sushmita also is from Northern India. Veteran actor Devaraj was roped in to play an important supporting role.


has composed the score and original soundtrack for the film. Actor Puneeth Rajkumar has recorded a song for the film.

Track listing


The Hindu said running with Antony was tiresome. The Deccan chronicle rated 2 stars to the movie and reviewed the movie as a frustrating experience