Rubicon Hydroelectric Scheme

The Rubicon Hydroelectric Scheme is a small run-of-the-river hydroelectric scheme located on the Rubicon and Royston Rivers, north east of Melbourne, south-west of Alexandra, Victoria, Australia. The scheme commenced in 1922, and was the first state-owned hydroelectric scheme to generate electricity in mainland Australia, and among the first in the world to be remotely controlled. For the first ten years of its operation it supplied on average 16.9% of electricity generated by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. It is now owned and operated by AGL Energy and contributes approximately 0.02% of Victoria's energy supply.


In the 1920s the State Electricity Commission of Victoria investigated hydroelectric power generation, in parallel with work on brown coal fired power stations at Yallourn. In 1922 a report was delivered by Messrs J.M. and H.E. Coane relating to the development of potential hydro-electric power on the Goulburn River and the Cerberean Range; their findings were then in turn submitted to the Parliament of Victoria for funding, with the more cost effective project approved in 1922.
Known as the Sugarloaf - Rubicon Project, the initial plan involved five power stations, with total turbine capacity of ; it would be the largest power scheme on the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission of Victoria's ongoing construction of Sugarloaf storage reservoir for irrigation. It is now called Lake Eildon. The four other power stations were situated with two on the Rubicon, one on the Royston, and one on Snobs Creek. These plans were later altered, the Snobs Creek station deleted, and an additional station provided at Rubicon Falls, bringing the installed turbine capacity to over. The Sugarloaf Power Station generated electricity during the irrigation season from October to April, when water released from this dam could also be used for power generation. The other four power stations were used during the rainy seasons of winter and spring.
Work started in 1922, and by 1928 the mountain stream section of the project was complete, the Sugarloaf power station on the Eildon following in 1929. Rubicon 'A' power station has a pipeline with a drop over its length. This station also remotely controlled the other power stations in the project. Minor enlargements were carried out at one station in 1954-55.
The Sugarloaf Power Station on the Goulburn River was replaced by the larger Eildon Power Station, and dam at the same site in the 1950s, with the turbines upgraded and reused.

Details of the Rubicon Hydroelectric Scheme

Today the scheme consists of three small run-of-river dams, four power stations and associated raceways and penstocks. The total generating capacity of the scheme is approximately, and this output is achieved during the winter months.

Royston Power Station

The Royston Dam is a concrete slab and buttress on the Royston River. It diverts water into an aqueduct that carries water for into the neighbouring Rubicon Valley to the Royston Power Station forebay. The Royston penstock consists of of woodstave pipe on the upper section and of steel pipe on the lower section. The lower part of the woodstave section is now encased in concrete. The Royston Power Station has a capacity of. Water from the power station outlet discharges into the Rubicon aqueduct about halfway along its length.
Royston Dam concrete slab and buttress dam
Royston aqueduct
Royston Power Station forebay
Royston Power Station penstock diameter. of woodstave pipe on the upper section and of steel pipe on the lower section.
Royston Power Station0.8 MW

Rubicon Power Station

The Rubicon Dam is a concrete arch dam on the Rubicon River. It diverts water into the Rubicon aqueduct for to the site of the Royston Power Station, where it collects the water diverted through the power station from the Royston River. It then travels a further to the Rubicon Power Station forebay. The Rubicon penstock has a drop over its length. The Rubicon Power Station has two horizontal single-jet Pelton wheel generators.
Rubicon Dam concrete arch dam
Rubicon aqueduct from Rubicon Dam to site of Royston Power Station
Rubicon aqueduct from Royston Power Station to Rubicon Forebay
Rubicon Power Station forebay
Rubicon Power Station penstock
Rubicon Power Station9.2 MW, 2 turbines

Lower Rubicon Power Station

Water discharged from the Rubicon Power Station flows along a aqueduct, then through a, diameter penstock to the Lower Rubicon Power Station. This comprises a single horizontal generator. The discharge water from the power station is returned to the Rubicon River.
Lower Rubicon aqueduct
Lower Rubicon Power Station forebay
Lower Rubicon Power Station penstock of diameter riveted steel pipeline
Lower Rubicon Power Station2.7 MW, 1 turbine

Rubicon Falls Power Station

The Rubicon Falls Dam is on the Rubicon River below the Rubicon Dam. It diverts water around the Rubicon Falls into the Rubicon Falls Power Station through a penstock. This power station has a single horizontal twin-jet Pelton wheel.
Rubicon Falls Dam concrete slab and buttress dam
Rubicon Falls Power Station penstock reinforced-concrete and steel pipeline
Rubicon Falls Power Station0.3 MW, 1 turbine


A -gauge steel tramway was built for construction access between Rubicon Power Station and Rubicon Dam, with timber trestle bridges at Fifteen Thousand Foot Siphon, Royston Power Station, Beech Creek and Lubra Creek. The tramway remained in operation until the 1990s. Additional tramway was built for construction of the Royston power station and dam and removed on completion.
The trestle bridges were replaced after their destruction in the 1939 Black Friday bushfires, were again replaced as part of the maintenance program in 1960s, and the Royston and Lubra Creek bridges were replaced in 1987 and 1991 respectively. The Beech Creek bridge was destroyed in February 2009 by the Murrindindi Mill fire, one of the Black Saturday bushfires. The Victorian Government agreed to rebuild the bridge in October 2011.
15000 foot trestle bridge along aqueduct
Beech Creek trestle bridgeDestroyed in 2009 Black Saturday bushfires
Lubra Creek trestle bridge

Heritage values

The Scheme is on the Victorian Heritage Register and the Register of the National Estate, and the surrounding state forest is set aside for its protection. The historical significance of the scheme is increased by its continuous and ongoing use in essentially original form.