The outcome of the Battle of France in June 1940 placed the Pas-De-Calais under the control of an enemy of Britain for the first time since the end of the Napoleonic Wars. On 21 May 1940, Hitler discussed the possibility of invasion with GroßadmiralErich Raeder, the Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine and on 25 June surprised Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, by ordering the preparation studies and appreciations for an invasion of Britain, which were ready on 2 July. In an OKW directive on 10 July, the purpose of the guns was to provide under the control of the Kriegsmarine. Hitler issued Fuhrer Directive 16 on 16 July for an invasion as Unternehmen Seelöwe, in which, Organisation Todt began work on positions capable of withstanding the heaviest bombing for every heavy artillery piece available, primarily at Pas-de-Calais, commenced on 22 July 1940.
German guns
The first such guns began to be installed around the end of July 1940. First came Siegfried Battery at Audinghen, south of Cap Gris-Nez, with one 38 cm SK C/34 naval gun gun, shortly followed by:
Three guns at Friedrich August Battery, to the north of Boulogne-sur-Mer
Four guns at Grosser Kurfürst Battery at Cap Gris-Nez
Two guns at Prinz Heinrich Battery just outside Calais
Two guns at Oldenburg Battery in Calais
Three 40.6 cm SK C/34 guns at Lindemann Battery between Calais and Cap Blanc-Nez. The battery was named Lindemann after the fallen captain of the battleshipBismarck.
By early August, Siegfried Battery and Grosser Kurfürst Battery were fully operational as were all of the Army’s railway guns. Seven of the railway guns, six K5 guns and a single K12 gun with a range of, could only be used against land targets. The remainder, thirteen guns and five guns, plus additional motorised batteries comprising twelve guns and ten guns, could be fired at shipping but were of limited effectiveness due to their slow traverse speed, long loading time and ammunition types. Land-based guns have always been feared by navies because they are on a stationary platform and are thus more accurate than those on board ship. Super-heavy railway guns can only be traversed by moving the entire gun and its carriage along a curved track, or by building a special cross track or turntable. This, combined with their slow rate of fire, makes it difficult for them to hit moving targets. Another problem with super-heavy guns is that their barrels wear out relatively quickly, so they could not be fired often. Better suited for use against naval targets were the four heavy naval batteries installed by mid-September: Friedrich August, Prinz Heinrich, Oldenburg and Siegfried – a total of eleven guns, with the firepower of a battlecruiser. Fire control for these guns was provided by both spotter aircraft and by DeTeGerät radar sets installed at Blanc-Nez and Cap d’Alprech. These units were capable of detecting targets out to a range of, including small British patrol craft near the English coast. Two additional radar sites were added by mid-September: a DeTeGerät at Cap de la Hague and a FernDeTeGerät long-range radar at Cap d’Antifer near Le Havre. Perhaps the most remarkable gun was the Kanone 12 in Eisenbahnlafette, manned by the German Army. The gun had an effective range of. Designed as a successor to the World War I Paris gun, it is claimed to have had a maximum range of. Shell fragments from the gun were found near Chatham, Kent, from the nearest point on the French coast. There were two of these guns, operated by Artillerie-Batterie 701 and they remained on the Channel Coast for the rest of the war. The guns started shelling the Dover area during the second week of August 1940 and continued firing until September 1944. Over a thousand rounds were fired but the German coast batteries only sank:
Empire Lough was one of 21 coastal vessels in the convoy ETC-17, escorted by the frigate and corvette. On 24 June 1944, the convoy left Southend en route to the Seine Bay when the ships were engaged by German long-range coastal artillery guns off Dover. Empire Lough was set on fire and declared a total loss after she was beached near Folkestone. The master Robert Robinson and one crew member were lost. The freighter Gurden Gates'' was damaged in the same action.
British guns
Having withdrawn in the Dunkirk evacuation and winning the Battle of Britain, the British did not have an immediate answer to this threat but the high ground to either side of the Port of Dover was fortified on the personal order of Prime Minister Winston Churchill and large calibre guns dug in there. The only British cross-Channel guns already in place were Winnie and – later in 1940 – Pooh. These were two BL 14 inch Mk VII guns positioned behind St Margaret's. They were spares taken from the stock of guns of the battleship. One used a mounting from and the other a mounting from a test range; neither was turret-mounted. They were operated from a separate firing-control room and were manned by 25 men of the Royal Marine Siege Regiment. These boosted morale – Winnie fired Britain's first shell onto continental Europe in August 1940 – but were slow and ineffectual compared to the German guns. They conducted extreme range counter-battery operations against the German guns and were protected from German aerial attack by anti-aircraft emplacements. Their separate and well-camouflaged cordite and shell magazines were buried under deep layers of earth and connected to the guns by railway lines. Due to these guns' lack of success in targeting shipping, Churchill ordered three new heavy gun batteries to be built in Dover and manned by the Royal Artillery for that purpose:
Three BL 6-inch Mk VII guns with a range of, at Fan Bay Battery
Four BL 9.2-inch Mks IX–X guns with a range of at South Foreland Battery
Two BL 15-inch Mk I guns with a range of at Wanstone Battery, known as Clem and Jane.
The guns were later joined by Lydden Spout Battery, consisting of three more BL 6-inch Mk VII guns. Also, three BL 13.5-inch Mk V naval guns from the First World War were brought out of retirement in 1939 and mounted on railway chassis. The British coast batteries sank:
This gunnery duel, along with heavy German shelling and bombing of Dover strait and the Dover area, led to this stretch of the Channel being nicknamed Hellfire Corner and led to 3,059 alerts, 216 civilian deaths and damage to 10,056 premises in the Dover area. British coastal convoys had to pass through the bottleneck of the Dover strait to transport supplies, particularly coal; Britain's road and rail network was not then able to cope with the volume of traffic that had to be handled. Although the German guns regularly fired on these slow moving convoys from 1940 to 1944, with an interlude in 1943, they only sank two ships and damaged several others. Two seamen were killed and others were injured by shell splinters from near misses. However, the civilian crews of the merchant ships found the shelling more unnerving than the attacks by aircraft or E-boats that they were also subjected to and there were instances of crews refusing to sail from their forming-up point at Southend-on-Sea because of the German guns.
The Channel Dash
On 11 February 1942, the German battleships and, the heavy cruiser and more than twenty smaller escort vessels sailed from Brest in Brittany to their home port of Wilhelmshaven by an audacious dash through the English Channel, codenamed Unternehmen Zerberus. Due to poor visibility and a number of communication failures by British forces, the first response to the German squadron was by the 9.2-inch guns of the South Foreland Battery, which were the only guns which could be directed by radar but the 10-cm K band set had only recently been installed and had never been used in conjunction with the guns. As the visibility was only, it was hoped that the radar would be able to register the splashes as the shells landed so that the guns would be able to correct their aim but nothing was detected. After firing three two-gun salvoes without being able to detect the "fall of shot" – the shells were actually landing almost a mile astern of the main German ships – it was decided to fire full salvoes using only the ranging information from the radar. After six minutes of rapid fire, the last shots were fired at a range of. None of the 33 shells fired came close to the German ships. A minute before the last shots were fired, South Foreland came under counter-battery fire from across the Channel but little damage was sustained.
Final duels
During the Anglo-Canadian operation to capture Calais, on 26 September 1944 fifty shells were fired, killing five people, the last of whom was 63-year-old Patience Ransley, who was killed by a shell from the Lindemann Battery while sheltering in the long "Barwick's Cave" reinforced cliff tunnel. Accurate bombardment from the British heavy guns at Dover disabled the Grosser Kurfürst Battery at Floringzelle near Cap Gris Nez, ending the duels. Dover was finally freed from bombardment and to mark the event the town's mayor was sent a German flag from the batteries.
Between Calais and Boulogne-sur-Mer considerable parts of the concrete gun emplacements and associated bunkers remain accessible, although often in somewhat dangerous conditions. One of the casemates of the Todt Battery can be visited at the Musée du Mur de l'Atlantique, the Atlantic Wall Museum, at Audinghen. One of the Krupp K5 guns is also there. Since 1954, a section of painted armour plating taken as a war trophy from a turret of the Lindemann Battery has been on display on the Dover seafront. Many of the British batteries remained until the decision was taken to retire all the coastal artillery in 1956. The big 15-inch guns at Wanstone Farm were not removed until 1959. The sites have either been demolished, buried or left to decay. At Wanstone Farm Battery, ancillary buildings such as the plotting room and the guard house are visible, although overgrown and the sergeants' mess has reverted to its original use as a farm house.