Marcha Real
The "Marcha Real" is the national anthem of Spain. It is one of only four national anthems in the world that has no official lyrics.
One of the oldest in the world, the Spanish national anthem was first printed in a document dated 1761 and entitled Libro de la Ordenanza de los Toques de Pífanos y Tambores que se tocan nuevamente en la Ynfantª Española, by Manuel de Espinosa. There, it is entitled "La Marcha Granadera". According to the document, Manuel de Espinosa de los Monteros is the composer.
There is a misconception that its author was Frederick II of Prussia, a great lover of music. That mistaken belief arose in 1861 when it was published as fact in the periodical La España militar. In 1864, Col. Antonio Vallecillo published the story in the diary El Espíritu Público, claiming a supposed Prussian origin for Marcha Real. According to Vallecillo, the anthem was a gift from Frederick II to the soldier Juan Martín Álvarez de Sotomayor, who was serving in the Prussian Court to learn the military tactics developed by Frederick II's army, under orders of King Charles III. In 1868, this spurious history was published in Los Sucesos, changing the beneficiary of the gift to Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, Count of Aranda. The myth was picked up in different publications of 1884 and 1903 until it was included in 1908 in the Enciclopedia Espasa.
In 1770, Charles III declared the "Marcha de Granaderos" the official Honor March, an act that formalized the tradition of playing it in public, especially on solemn occasions. It became the official Spanish anthem during Isabel II's reign.
In 1870, after the 1868 Revolution, General Juan Prim organized a national contest to create a new official state anthem, and a jury consisting of three well-known composers was chosen to designate a winning entry. Although over 400 compositions were submitted, including those written by the young composers Federico Chueca, Ruperto Chapí and Tomás Bretón, a new anthem was never selected. After extensive deliberations, the jury had advised that "Marcha de Granaderos" was already considered the country's official anthem, and the contest was suspended. By Alfonso XIII's time, the Royal Circular Order of 27 August 1908 established the musical score orchestrated by Bartolomé Pérez Casas, Superior musician of the Royal Corps of Halberdier Guards, as the official version; it is known traditionally as the "Grenadier March" or the "Royal Spanish March". During the Spanish Second Republic the Himno de Riego was adopted as the anthem of the republic.
The actual symphonic version of the "Marcha Real" that replaced the Pérez Casas one was written by maestro Francisco Grau and is the official one after the Royal Decree of 10 October 1997, when the Kingdom of Spain bought the author rights of the Marcha Real, then belonging to Pérez Casas's heirs. According to the Royal Decree 1560/1997, it should be in the key of B-flat major and a tempo of 76 bpm, with a form of AABB and a duration of 52 seconds.
Current version
The current official version of "Marcha Real", as described in Royal Decree 1560/1997, is a sixteen-bar long phrase, divided in two sections, each one is made up of four repeated bars. Tempo is set to ♩= 76 and key to B-flat.The long, complete version is the honors music for the King, while a shorter version without the repetitions is performed for the Princess of Asturias, the President of the Government of Spain, or during sporting events.
There are also three official arrangements: one for orchestra, another for military band, and a third for organ, written by Francisco Grau Vegara and requested by the Government of Spain. All in all, there are six different official adaptations, for each arrangement and length. They all were recorded by the Spanish National Orchestra and the Spanish Royal Guard Band as an official recording and released on compact disc for a limited period of time.
Copyright issues
As the harmonisation of "Marcha Real" was written by Pérez Casas in the early 20th century, the copyright has not yet expired. The government bought it from Pérez Casas' estate in 1997 for 130 million pesetas to avoid future legal problems. Until it expires, the copyright belongs to the Ministry of Culture and collecting societies charge copyright fees, which has led to criticism.As a result, many different harmonisations have been devised by performers to avoid paying. Nonetheless, the rights to the 1997 Francisco Grau revision were transferred to the government at no charge, but they were not placed in the public domain.
Though the Marcha Real has no lyrics, words have been written and used for it in the past. One version was used during Alfonso XIII's reign and another during the Francoist State; however, none of them were ever made official. The national anthem has been played without words since 1978, when the lyrics that had been approved by General Francisco Franco were abandoned.Lyrics competition
After witnessing a rendition of "You'll Never Walk Alone" at Anfield in 2007, the President of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Alejandro Blanco, said he felt inspired to seek lyrics to "La Marcha Real" ahead of Madrid's bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games. That same year Telecinco, enticed by the COE, organized a National contest and posted 25 different lyrics on their website which they thought best matched COE's requirements. The winner was chosen after 40,000 people voted. The lyrics by Enrique Hernández-Luike, magazine publisher and poet, spoke of freedom, peace and the Constitution. The winning lyrics were sung by the Ronda de Aranzueque choir in Pastrana, and filmed by German television. However, the COE organized a new competition for the lyrics, which resulted in between 2,000 and 7,000 entries. A private team of jurors chose the entry by Paulino Cubero, then unemployed. The new lyrics received criticism, resulting in them being pulled only five days later, and the idea was scrapped indefinitely.A number of the autonomous communities of Spain have their own regional anthems.
Former lyrics
Alfonso XIII lyrics
Lyrics by Eduardo MarquinaGloria, gloria, corona de la Patria,
soberana luz
que es oro en tu Pendón.
Vida, vida, futuro de la Patria,
que en tus ojos es
abierto corazón...!
Púrpura y oro: bandera inmortal;
en tus colores, juntas, carne y alma están.
Púrpura y oro: querer y lograr;
Tú eres, bandera, el signo del humano afán.
Gloria, gloria, corona de la Patria,
soberana luz
que es oro en tu Pendón.
Púrpura y oro: bandera inmortal;
en tus colores, juntas, carne y alma están.
España guiadora
¡Pide, España! ¡Tu nombre llevaremos
donde quieras tú;
que honrarlo es nuestra ley!
¡Manda, España, y unidos lucharemos,
porque vivas tú,
sin tregua pueblo y rey!
Una bandera gloriosa nos das;
¡nadie, viviendo, España, nos la arrancará!
Para que, un día, nos pueda cubrir,
¡danos, España, el gozo de morir por ti!
¡Viva España!...
¡Viva España! Del grito de la Patria,
la explosión triunfal
abrió camino al sol;
¡Viva España! repiten veinte pueblos
y al hablar dan fe
del ánimo español...
¡Marquen arado martillo y clarín
su noble ritmo al grito de la Patria fe!
¡Guíe la mente a la mano hasta el fin,
al "Viva España" asista toda España en pie!
Glory, glory, crown of the Fatherland
sovereign light
which in your standard is gold.
Life, life, future of the Fatherland,
in your eyes it is
an open heart
Purple and gold: immortal flag;
in your colors, together, flesh and soul are.
Purple and gold: to want and to achieve;
You are, flag, the sign of human effort.
Glory, glory, crown of the Fatherland
sovereign light
which in your standard is gold.
Purple and gold: immortal flag;
in your colors, together, flesh and soul are.
Spain guiding
Ask of us, Spain! Your name we will take
anywhere you want;
because honoring it is our law!
Command us, Spain, and united we will fight,
so that you may live,
relentless people and king!
You give us a glorious flag;
Nobody, who is alive, Spain, will take it from us!
So that, one day, we can be covered by it,
Give us, Spain, the joy of dying for you!
Long live Spain!...
Long live Spain! The cry of the Fatherland,
the triumphant explosion
Has opened the way to the sun;
Long live Spain! repeated twenty peoples
and when they speak they have faith
in the Spanish will...
Mark plow hammer and bugle
your noble rhythm at the cry of the Fatherland faith!
Guide the mind and the hand until the end,
the "Long Live Spain" Spain attends all standing!
Other languages translation
La bandera de España
Gora Espainia! Denok batera abes dezagun
ahots ezberdinez
bihotz bakarrez
Gora Espainia! Haran berdeetatik
itsaso zabaleraino
anaitasun ereserkia
Maita ezazu aberria
besarkada ematen dielako
zeru urdinaren pean
herri askeei
Justizia eta handitasuna
demokrazia eta bakea
Historiari ekartzen dioten
seme-alabei loria.
Bandera d'Espanya
Glòria, glòria, corona de la Pàtria
sobirana llum
que en el seu estàndard és d'or.
la vida la vida, el futur de la Pàtria,
en els teus ulls és
un cor obert
Porpra i or: bandera immortal;
en els teus colors, juntes, carn i ànima hi són.
Porpra i or: voler i aconseguir;
Tu ets, bandera, el signe de l'humà afany.
Glòria, glòria, corona de la Pàtria
sobirana llum
que en el seu estàndard és d'or.
Porpra i or: bandera immortal;
en els teus colors, juntes, carn i ànima hi són.
Bandeira de España
Gloria, gloria, coroa da Patria
luz que no seu defecto é ouro.
Vida, vida, futuro da Patria,
nos seus ollos é
Púrpura e ouro: bandeira inmortal;
en túas cores, xuntas, carne e alma están.
Púrpura e ouro: a querer e conseguir;
Está, a bandeira, o sinal do esforzo humano.
Gloria, gloria, coroa da Patria
luz que no seu defecto é ouro.
Púrpura e ouro: bandeira inmortal;
en túas cores, xuntas, carne e alma están.
Franco-era lyrics
Lyrics adapted from an earlier version on 1928 written by José María Pemán during the reign of Alfonso XIII and the government of Miguel Primo de Rivera. The changes intended to fit the symbols of the initially fascist ideology of Francisco Franco, referred to as National-Catholicism, which were the "salute with the extended right arm" and the "yoke and arrows" this last one used in the Middle Ages by Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon to represent the union of their dynasties and their kingdoms.'
del pueblo español, que vuelve a resurgir.
Gloria a la Patria que supo seguir,
sobre el azul del mar, el caminar del sol.
¡Triunfa España! Los yugos y las flechas
cantan al compás del himno de la fe.
Juntos con ellos cantemos de pie
la vida nueva y fuerte del trabajo y paz.
¡Viva España! Alzad los brazos, hijos
del pueblo español, que vuelve a resurgir.
Gloria a la Patria que supo seguir,
sobre el azul del mar, el caminar del sol.
of the Spanish People, which rebirths anew.
Glory to the Fatherland that knew how to follow,
over the Ocean blue, the course of the setting sun.
Triumph, Spain! The yokes and the arrows
sing to the rhythm of the anthem of faith.
Let's stand and sing along with them
for the new and strong life of work and peace.
Long live Spain! Raise your arms, sons
of the Spanish People, which rebirths anew.
Glory to the Fatherland that knew how to follow,
over the Ocean blue, the course of the setting sun.
[Carlist] lyrics
Viva España,
gloria de tradiciones,
con la sola ley
que puede prosperar.
Viva España,
que es madre de Naciones,
con Dios, Patria, Rey
con que supo imperar.
Guerra al perjuro
traidor y masón,
que con su aliento impuro
hunde la nación.
Es su bandera
la historia de su gloria;
por ella dará
su vida el español
Fe verdadera
que en rojo de amor
aprisiona briosa
un rayo de sol.
Long live Spain,
glory of traditions,
with the single law
that can thrive.
Long live Spain,
the mother of Nations,
with God, Fatherland, King
with which it knew how to reign
War to the oathbreaker
traitor and freemason,
that with his impure breath
sinks the nation
It is its flag
the history of its glory;
for it will the Spaniard
give his life
True faith,
which in the red of love
imprisons a lively
ray of sunshine.
Gora Espainia,
tradizioak, aintza
lege bakar
daiteke aurrera.
Gora Espainia,
Nazio, ama
Dios, Patria, Rey
dituen. gailenduko zuen
Perjurer gerra
traidorea eta masoi,
bere arnasa ezpuruetan
nazioaren lotzen zaio.
Zure bandera da
bere aintza istorioa;
izango begiratu
Espainiako bere bizitza
benetako fede
gorria maite duten
imprisons Chihiroren
a Eguzki-izpien.
Visca Espanya,
glòria de tradicions,
amb la sola llei
que pot prosperar.
Visca Espanya,
que és mare de Nacions,
amb Déu, Pàtria, Rei
amb que va saber imperar.
Guerra al perjur
traïdor i maçó,
que amb el seu alè impur
enfonsa la nació.
És la seva bandera
la història de la seva glòria;
per ella donarà
la seva vida l'espanyol
Fe veritable
que en vermell d'amor
empresona coratjosa
un raig de sol.
Viva España,
gloria de tradicións,
coa única lei
pode prosperar.
Viva España,
a nai das Nacións,
Deus, Patria, Rei
que el prevalece.
Guerra en que cometeu perxurioer
traidor e masón,
co seu impuro hálito
afunde a nación.
é a súa bandeira
a historia da súa gloria;
polo que vai manter
súa vida no Español
verdadeira fe
o amor que vermello
aprisiona espirituoso
un raio de sol.
Interpretation and etiquette
s of the Spanish Armed Forces and the National Police Corps of Spain and civilian Marching bands and Concert bands play the B flat-major version of the anthem adapted for wind bands, and playing the A major version is optional.The bugle call "To the Colors" in Spain is the version played by Bugle bands in Spanish churches in religious occasions and processions organized by civil groups and the parishes. Various versions adapted for the drum and the bugle are used, even though brass instruments play the anthem as well. But in some bugle bands, the A flat version of the anthem is played. Only a bugle call is sounded when the B flat version is played.
Being the national anthem, and played in honor of the King and the Queen of Spain, it is common for all to stand once it is played. Even though it is also played in church events, respect for the royal family is required by everyone in attendance; civilians stand at attention, and those in uniform salute when not in formation.