Rossi (surname)

Rossi is an Italian surname, said to be the most common surname in Italy. Due to the diaspora, it is also very common in other countries such as Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Peru, Switzerland, the United States and Uruguay. Rossi is the plural of Rosso.
It is also a Finnish surname, not connected with the Italian one.


Some variations derived from regional traditions and dialects. Other variations derived from medieval scribes spelling names based on how they sounded instead of how they were actually spelled. Recorded variations : De Rossi, De Rubeis, De Russi, De Russo, Del Rossi, Del Rosso, Della Rossa, DeRossi, Di Rosso, Di Russo, La Russa, Larussa, Lo Russo, Lorusso, Rossa, Rossato, Rosselini, Rosselino, Rosselli, Rossello, Rossetti, Rossetto, Rossillo, Rossini, Rossit, Rossitti, Rossitto, Rosso, Rossoni, Rossotto, Roussini, Rubiu, Ruggiu, Ruiu, Ruju, Russa, Russello, Russetti, Russi, Russiani, Russino, Russo, and Russotti.

Geographical distribution

As of 2014, 63.2% of all known bearers of the surname Rossi were residents of Italy, 13.2% of Brazil, 6.7% of the United States, 6.3% of Argentina and 3.5% of France.
In Italy, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average in the following regions:
In Argentina, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average in the following provinces:
In Uruguay, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average in the following departments:
In Finland, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average in the following regions:
In Brazil, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average in the following states: