Rosh Pinah mine

The Rosh Pinah mine is a mine near Rosh Pinah in the ǁKaras Region of southern Namibia. It is one of the largest and most important lead and zinc mines in Namibia. The mine is located in the extreme southwest, about north of the Orange River and 50 kilometers east of the Atlantic.


German-born Jew Mose Kohan discovered zinc in the nearby Hunz Mountains in 1963. He also coined the name "Rosh Pinah" which is a Hebrew term for "cornerstone". The mine has been in continuous operation since 1969.


acquired 50.04% ownership of the mine in 2011 and increased its stake shortly thereafter to 80.08%. The remainder of the shares are owned by Black Economic Empowerment actors PE Minerals, owned by Aaron Mushimba, Jaguar Investments Four, and a trust representing mine employees. In 2017 Glencore sold its majority stake along with other zinc assets to Trevali Mining Corporation.


The mine has reserves amounting to 14 million tonnes of ore grading 2% lead and 8% zinc thus resulting 280,000 tonnes of lead and 1.12 million tonnes of zinc. The mine also produces copper, silver and gold as byproducts.