Rosemary Lauder

Rosemary Anne Lauder, of North Devon, England, is a historian of the county Devonshire. She started her writing career in the 1980s as a journalist contributing articles on the subject of gardening, in which she retains a strong interest. She received an MA in Garden History from the University of Bristol. She is a long-standing member of the Devon Gardens Trust, in which organisation she plays an active role. She is author and publisher of many books and booklets on the topics of walking in North Devon, the topography of Exmoor and North Devon, and the history of the region. She lived for 5 years in a former gardener's cottage rented from the Tapeley Park estate in the parish of Westleigh, North Devon. Her historical works concentrate especially on the landed gentry of Devonshire and their mansions and estates, most notably Vanished Houses and Devon Families. Several of her works have been published by Devon's Heritage.

List of works

Lauder's articles published in the Journal of Devon Gardens Trust include: