Ronny Coutteure

Ronny Louis Edmond Coutteure was a Belgian actor, director, author, TV presenter and restaurateur and worked in cinema, radio, television, opera and theatre. He was a celebrity in his home country of Belgium and in France but is most famous internationally for his supporting role of Remy Baudouin, comrade-in-arms of Indiana Jones in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.


In theater, Ronny Coutteure staged and performed several works. He was the proprietor of the "pub-theatre" La ferme des hirondelles in Fretin in northern France and he wrote and directed an opera, Les Contes d'un buveur de bière as well as teaching "biérologie". Coutteure was a strong supporter of the culture and heritage of northern France and became a symbol of the culture of the frontier region with Belgium.


He committed suicide by hanging on 21 June 2000 at La ferme des hirondelles at the age of 48 shortly after France 3 announced the cancellation of his show Ronny coup de cœur.

Radio / Television

