Romeo's Blue Skies

Romeo's Blue Skies is a Japanese anime series by Nippon Animation. Although "Romeo's Blue Skies" is the literal translation of the Japanese title, the official English name given by Nippon Animation is "Romeo and the Black Brothers". It is known in Arabic as "عهد الأصدقاء" and in the Philippines as "Mga Munting Pangarap ni Romeo". It was first shown on April 14, 1997 on ABS-CBN.
It is based on the novel Die schwarzen Brüder written in 1941 in Switzerland by author Lisa Tetzner.


In the second half of the 19th century, in 1875, the story begins with the titular character, Romeo, waking up and making his way to the church to ring the bell along with his pet ermine, Piccolo. The village is suffering due to a long draught, and romeo's family is hit by it the worst, as they are also under debt. Romeo wants to compete in the pole climbing competition, as he wishes to follow his father's footsteps. Meanwhile, a mysterious man, whom the villagers refer to as "the god of death" makes his way into the village. He has his eyes on Romeo and plans to buy him from his parents. He urges Romeo's father Roberto to sell his son and in exchange he would take care of the tab for him. The fellow villagers tell the god of death to back off as Roberto would never sell his son, and besides, he still has one corn field remaining. The god of death smiles when he hears this information. During the pole climbing competition, the god of death starts a fire in the corn field, in order to force Romeo's family to sell him. Romeo's family rush to the field and manage to save two goats, but Roberto injures his head while leaping out from the flames. Roberto's injury worsens and the priest is worried, as without medical attention Roberto could end up blind for the rest of his life. The doctors fee is very expensive, as he has to come from a neighbouring village. Romeo is unable to see his father in this state, so he willingly sells himself into slavery. In exchange, the god of death takes care of the medical fee. Once Roberto has been treated, it is time for Romeo to leave, but just as he leaves he is told that none of the kids ever come back to the village, probably because they succumb to the harsh work conditions. He has no choice however as he had signed the contract and leaves the same day. Along the way he meets a boy who is unwilling to reveal anything apart from his name, which is Alfredo. They both earn each other's mutual respect after they help each other. This is also where they meet a boy named Dante. Soon they are taken into a tavern where they are thrown into the basement where the other kids were kept, Dante included. A few of them try to escape, but in vain. The god of death, or Mr. Luini decides that they must be sold as soon as possible before they try escaping again, so he and his companion decide to travel to Milan by boat, in the storm, however the boat sinks and apart from Alfredo and Romeo everyone else is presumed to be dead. They then see Mr. Luini drowning. Romeo's good values do not allow him to let the man sink and he saves him, as he believes that is what his father would do. The next day, Mr. Luini takes them both to Milan by horse cart, where they both are sold to two different people at high prices, but not before Romeo and Alfredo swear eternal friendship. The man who buys Romeo is called Marchello Rossi who is thoroughly manipulated by his wife, but is actually kind at heart. Through one of their routine cleaning days, Romeo meets professor Casera who teaches him how to read. Although Romeo is denied food by Rossi's wife, their daughter, who Romeo refers to as an angel, helps him by sharing her food with him. Soon, Anzelmo tricks Romeo into being friends so that he could steal the letter that the angel had written for him, but turns out the letter was actually a page from her diary, where she detailed all the lies said by Anzelmo. When the wolf pack read it, they mercilessly beat Anzelmo up for lying to them. Anzelmo, hurt badly, swears revenge against Romeo. He blames his wounds on Romeo, knowing that his mother would believe him no matter what, and accuses Romeo of a robbery. Romeo manages to escape just in the nick of time from the police but is cornered by the wolf pack. Dante appears from nowhere and saves Romeo, who is thrilled to see that Dante is still alive. Dante however urges Romeo to leave the city as he is a wanted person. However, there is a mixup between the wagons and he ends up in the wagon of a criminal, who plans to blow up the police station to free his brother. Romeo manages to warn the police officers and Rossi just in the nick of time but ends up badly injuring himself. Rossi, moved by the act, decides to stand up to his wife and reveals that Angeletta had seen the real thief. After this, Rossi warms up to Romeo much more and greatly improves his living conditions, and learns to stand up to his wife's manipulations. Romeo finally meets Alfredo again, and they grab all the chimney sweepers to form an alliance called the black brothers to combat the wolf pack. The challenge the wolf pack to a bout and win as they pre planned and set traps. However, the leader Giovanni is no where to be seen, as he is called to fight the strongest member of the scorpion gang, who he defeats effortlessly, after which they disband and join the wolf pack. Giovanni is outraged to hear that the wolf pack lost to the black brothers. In revenge, they kidnap Michaelo and ask for Alfredo in exchange. When Alfredo refuses to kneel down in front of Giovanni, the latter proposes a battle at dawn. Initially they all fight, but seeing as no one is able to gain the upper hand, Alfredo asks them to stop. Giovanni agrees and decides to make it a 1 on 1 fight. Tachioni volunteers to fight from the Wolf pack gang and Romeo from the black brothers. However, midway Tachioni draws out a blade in spite of Giovanni's instructions to use only fists, luckily the reflection from Romeo's charm blinds Tachioni and he is able to defeat him. Giovanni accepts defeat and praises Alfredo for having good friends, but tells him that they will get even some day.
Angeletta's mannerism is totally different from the rest of the family, and this leads to suspicion among some members of the wolf pack, particularly Dante. He extracts part of the truth from his master. Romeo overhears the conversation between Rossi and Angeletta and decides to follow him to the Countess' mansion, where it turns out that Angeletta is in fact the granddaughter of lady Isabella, a countess. Isabella's son, Adolfo, fell in love with a poor woman named Giovanna. However, Isabella did not approve of the difference in social status and thus the young couple left after they bore a child. Sadly, the parents passed away due to an illness and Isabella passed on the child to Rossi who was her childhood friend. Isabella is unwilling to let Angeletta into the mansion as she believes the latter is only after her wealth, and Romeo is willing to wager his life to prove her otherwise. Angeletta's condition worsens and she wishes to see her grandmother once before she dies. They sneak into the mansion and Angeletta gets to see her grandmother, but she coldly tells her to go back home. Angeletta, however thanks Isabella for allowing her to meet her and goes to the church to pray. She collapses in between, and goes into a coma. Dr Casera says the only way to save her would be to go his acquaintance in Paris, who is a heart specialist. Romeo, the rest of the black brothers and Rossi try their best to convince Isabella, and she finally agrees after being moved by Romeo's devotion and friendship. She meets Angeletta and promises to take care of her in whatever way possible, and the next day, after a farewell, they leave for Paris by train.
They following days, Romeo notices a huge crowd gathering outside a palace, and it turns out it is the grand wedding of the Duke of Milan. Romeo is called to clean the chimney of the hotel where all the invited nobles and royalties are staying, where he finds Alfredo's younger sister, Bianca, staying along with her uncle and aunt. She escapes and Romeo along with Alfredo begin to search for her, as the same with her uncle and aunt. Alfredo is visibly unwell, this could be attributed to the abuse he regularly went through at the hands of his master Citron, a cruel, vile man who spent all his money on drinking and gambling and thus Alfredo often went hungry. Alfredo tells the story of how he and Bianca were the children of the Martini family, Vittorio and Fatricia Martini, and how their father's younger brother Mauricio was extremely jealous of his success and wealth. Along with his wife, Grazela, they burn the house which kills Alfredo and Bianca`s parents, but not before they hand them the precious treasure of the Martini family, a medal. Alfredo and Bianca flee the burning mansion and their uncle and aunt frame them for the fire in hopes of capturing them and ultimately retrieving the medal. Alfredo and Bianca run for days until they are taken in by a couple, who they beg to let them stay. The God of Death makes his way to the village, and Alfredo willingly sells himself into slavery to provide the family with enough funds to raise Bianca. However, Bianca is captured by their relatives soon after Alfredo sold himself.
Bianca meanwhile is unable find Alfredo but Mauricio captures her and takes her back to the hotel and ties her up. Luckily Nikita witnesses Bianca`s capture and alerts Romeo and Alfredo. Then the black brothers come through, free her and tie up Bianca's aunt. Mauricio makes his way to the church as he heard that Alfredo was there, but Alfredo creates a distraction and with the help of Nikita, he escapes. Alfredo is re-united with his sister, but collapses and coughs blood. He is taken to professor Casera, who is worried that Alfredo's illness is terminal. Alfredo, however says that he cannot stay any longer and has to go back to his master as his contact was not over yet. Alfredo assures his friends that it was nothing serious and he just had a cold, and the reason he was coughing blood was because he had bit his tongue. Meanwhile, Mauricio orders for a fake medal to be made in order to be let into the dining room, while Alfredo and Bianca along with the black brothers think of a plan to sneak them inside, in order to tell the king the truth. In the background Giovanni watches them, planning to confront Alfredo once and for all. Alfredo has a talk with Romeo and heads home. He is first stopped by Nikita, who is presumably waiting for him. As they talk, though, Alfredo begins to coughs blood, while Nikita stares in horror. Alfredo begs her to keep it a secret, as he does not want to worry his friends. As he moves on, he is stopped by Giovanni, but before the latter could finish the fight, he notices Alfredo coughing and stops the fight, and Alfredo thanks him and leaves, making Giovanni uncomfortable. The rest of the wolf pack decides to capture Alfredo, unfortunately it turns out to be the day when Alfredo was supposed to meet the king. After trapping Alfredo inside a basement under the bridge, the pack run to Giovanni, who is enraged at their actions. Romeo, meanwhile is able to locate Alfredo as Mr Rossi had seen him go under the bridge. Romeo asks Alfredo to escape while he would stay back to stall the pack. When the pack reaches him, Giovanni is astonished at how dedicated and loyal Romeo is towards Alfredo. Nikita, no longer able to hold back, tells them that Alfredo is dying due to an illness, which happens to be the same illness that killed Giovanni's father, and this is not known to Romeo either. Giovanni decides to help Romeo and his group for the night. With the help of the wolf pack, they make their way through the castle, defeating the bodyguards. Meanwhile, Lady Isabella arrives and sees Michaelo, who explains everything to her. Just as Alfredo and Bianca are about to meet the king, Mauricio takes Bianca as hostage, and before he could finish her Nikita creates a distraction, due to which Alfredo and Romeo fall over, but survive. They are successfully able to make it into the mansion, however the guards capture the children. Luckily for them, Lady Isabella comes through revealing the identities of Alfredo and Bianca and asks the guards to leave the kids. As Mauricio and Grazela are about to present the medal to the king, Alfredo pronounces the medal as fake, and claims he has the real medal. The king allows both parties to narrate their stories, but Mauricio is not aware of the fact that the king's father had marked something on the real medal- the mark of benediction, for showing true bravery and saving his life in war, which was missing from Mauricio's copy, and hence Alfredo and Bianca's names are cleared and their evil relatives are taken away. The black brothers talk for a while and everyone leaves, except Alfredo and Romeo, who go to the church, where they remember the moment they first met. Romeo thanks Alfredo for bringing hope into his life. Alfredo smiles, and says it wasn't him who was the ray of hope, it was Romeo himself, and he thanks Romeo for bringing courage and hope into his life. Alfredo then reminds him of the oath they made- they would always be together, no matter how far away they were from each other, asks Romeo to fulfil the dreams he would not be able to achieve, and asks him to take care of Bianca. And with that, Alfredo peacefully passes away in Romeo's arms, leaving a heartbroken Romeo behind, crying for his dear friend.
Romeo can hardly concentrate on any of his day-to-day activities or work, and this angers the rest of the black brothers and Bianca. His refusal to accept Alfredo's death puts a strain on their relations. The wolf pack gang, particularly Nikita, were also saddened by Alfredo's death. To get Romeo back into his spirits, the black brothers organise a fight, where should he lose, he would be cast out. Romeo makes his way to the fight, and after taking a few punches and after listening to Bianca and Dante, he finally snaps out of his trance, after realising what his best friend had told him. He decides to go around town asking for donations for Alfredo's funeral. At his funeral, they sing the black brothers song in honour of Alfredo.
As the leader of the group, he is presented with a challenge: to gather 20 lira, as they all want to watch the new circus that is in town. Romeo found an old broken house that needed heavy fixes and repairs. Romeo volunteers to clean and repair the house, and seeing his dedication the others along with Bianca pitch in too. On the day before the circus leaves, Romeo is unable to complete cleaning the second floor, buy the woman is pleased with his efforts and pays him 20 lira anyway. However, Michaelo accidentally breaks a vase, which angers the shopkeeper and he takes Michaelo's pendent which his mother had given him. Romeo finds out, and without a moment's hesitation, trades the money for the pendent, a decision everyone agrees and praised him for. Happily, they all sit and share stories from their hometowns till the evening ends.
While working one day, Romeo falls from a chimney. Dr Casera agrees to have him and Bianca at his place until his leg heals. The doctor interests them both in many subjects, and Bianca begins to see Dr Casera as a father. They help children at an orphanage as well. As a thank you present, they hold a puppet show for Dr Casera, where Bianca reveals that she wishes to stay with the doctor and become his nurse, while Romeo wishes to keep studying and become a teacher to educate and help others like Dr Casera.
The time has finally come for Romeo to go back home, as his contract is over. Some of the boys have already left and some of them have a while still. Romeo takes his time to wish everyone goodbye, and although Mrs Rossi does not like to admit it, she does miss Romeo. Mr Rossi says that he would probably never get a helper like Romeo again, and Romeo thanks him and calls him his second father. As they are making their way, they see The God of Death with a new batch of kids. They visit Alfredo's grave one last time, where they make truce with the wolf pack, and Nikita promises to take care of Alfredo's grave. Dr Casera drives them halfway to their home towns along with Bianca, and they all wish each other good bye and best of luck. Romeo re-unites with his family, and 10 years later, in 1885, thanks to his hard work, he becomes a teacher and marries Bianca, and they name their child Alfredo. With that, the anime concludes.


; Romeo
A long-standing drought struck Sonogno Village and many families suffered because of this, including Romeo's family. During this time, Luini, the "God of Death," came to the village, searching for boys that he could buy and sell to become chimney sweeps in Milan. Romeo unfortunately became Luini's interest. The "God of Death" asked Romeo's father Roberto to sell to him the then 11-year-old boy, but Roberto refused. In order to bind Romeo under a contract, Luini burned the remaining cornfield of Romeo's family. During this tragedy, Romeo's father got a head injury which caused his blindness. Romeo's family could not afford to get a doctor for Roberto because they lost their livelihood. The 11-year old Romeo was forced to sell himself to the "God of Death" in order to get a doctor that could treat his father's illness. After Romeo signed a contract with Luini, a doctor from Locarno named Baregi was brought to Sonogno and treated Roberto. Romeo then sadly left his family and embarked on a long journey to Milan. It was during this journey that Romeo first met Alfredo, who saved him from an apple vendor who mistakenly accused him of stealing apples. Romeo and Alfredo quickly became best friends. Together they were sold in Milan by the "God of Death" to their respective bosses. Romeo was bought by Marchelo Rossi. Before Romeo and Alfredo separated, they swore eternal friendship and promised to each other that they would meet again.
Romeo experienced many hardships and triumphs while working as a chimney sweep in Milan. He experienced mistreatment by the Rossi family and was bullied by the Wolf Pack gang. Later, Romeo and Alfredo were reunited with each other. During the reunion, Alfredo revealed to Romeo his intention to create a fraternity for chimney sweeps that can help each other in times of need. Together they joined forces with other chimney sweeps in Milan and the Black Brothers were formed. Romeo and the other members of the fraternity chose Alfredo as their first leader. The Black Brothers defeated the Wolf Pack during their fights at San Babila Church and Sempione Park. The greatest triumph of Romeo in Milan happened when he learned to read and write through Professor Casella. With the help of the kind-hearted professor, the then "no read, no write" boy was brought to the world of knowledge. Romeo became knowledgeable in writing and even became fond of reading books like his best friend Alfredo. When Alfredo died of tuberculosis during a cold winter in Milan, Romeo became deeply depressed, but after hearing encouraging words from the Black Brothers and Alfredo's sister Bianca, he managed to accept his beloved best friend's death. Romeo succeeded Alfredo as leader of the Black Brothers. The first thing that he did as leader of the Black Brothers was to start a fundraising for Alfredo's funeral. The fundraising became successful and Alfredo was given a decent funeral.
; Count Alfredo Martini
A month after the burning of the Martini mansion, Alfredo and Bianca stumbled across a farm village. During this time, Alfredo's sister could no longer walk because of tiredness and because of this, they rested along the road. They were later found and rescued by a farmer. After the siblings' rescue, Luini, the "God of Death," appeared in the farm village. Alfredo then decided to sign a contract with Luini and go to Milan to work as a chimney sweep in order to protect Bianca. Alfredo embarked on a long journey to Milan, leaving behind his beloved younger sister in the farm village. It was during his journey to Milan that Alfredo first met Romeo, who at that time was mistakenly accused of stealing apples by a vendor named Tonio. The noble boy saved Romeo by showing and telling Tonio the proofs of Romeo's innocence. Alfredo and Romeo's friendship began then. Together they were sold in Milan by the "God of Death" to their respective bosses. Alfredo was bought by a very cruel man named Citron. Before Alfredo and Romeo separated, they swore eternal friendship and promised to each other that they would meet again. Alfredo experienced starvation and violence while he was living with Citron. There were days that he did not eat because the money that were supposed to be used in buying potatoes were wasted by his boss in buying liquors. There was also a time that Citron threw a bottle and a plate at him while cleaning the floor in their home.
Alfredo and Romeo later reunited. During the reunion, Alfredo revealed to Romeo his intention to create a fraternity for chimney sweeps that can help each other in times of need. They joined forces with other chimney sweeps in Milan and the Black Brothers was formed. All of the members of the alliance chose Alfredo to become their leader. As a leader of the Black Brothers, he was respected and admired by all of his companions for his intelligence and bravery. The Black Brothers victoriously defeated the Wolf Pack in their fights twice. First, at San Babila Church and finally at Sempione Park. The Black Brothers under Alfredo's leadership was also instrumental to Countess Isabella Montovani's acceptance of Angeletta as her granddaughter.
Alfredo's sister Bianca was captured by Maurizio and Grazela Martini and together they went to Milan. Knowing that Alfredo was in Milan and that the Martini medal was with him, the evil couple took Bianca hostage to get by force the medal from him. Romeo and the Black Brothers then saved Bianca from her evil relatives and brought her to San Babila Church, where she was reunited with Alfredo. During the reunion, Alfredo coughed blood and suddenly collapsed. He was brought to Dr. Casella and the doctor diagnosed that he had tuberculosis. Although the name of the disease was not mentioned to Alfredo, he was still aware about his terrible fate. Sensing that he could die anytime, Alfredo decided to entrust his only sister to Dr. Casella. He even decided to meet with the King of Italy to clear his and Bianca's tarnished names and to reclaim their inheritance. With the help of the Black Brothers, the Wolf Pack and Countess Montovani, the Martini siblings successfully met the king who was attending a banquet during that time. In the end, Alfredo proved to the King of Italy that he was really part of the Martini line by showing his father's medal with a "mark of benediction" from the king's father, Carlo Alberto of Sardinia. The king was also convinced that the Martini siblings truly did not kill their own parents.
; Alfredo Martini's Death: The following day after the victorious meeting with the King of Italy, Alfredo died of tuberculosis. He died in the arms of his best friend Romeo. His last words were "Take care of Bianca". His death was mourned by all those who love him, especially Bianca, Romeo and the other living members of the Black Brothers. Romeo succeeded his late best friend as leader of the Black Brothers. The first thing that Romeo did as the new leader was to start a fundraising for Alfredo's funeral. The fundraising was successful. Alfredo was given a solemn funeral. Alfredo is the namesake of the son of Romeo and Bianca.
; Professor Casella
; The Black Brothers: A group of young chimney sweeps formed by Alfredo and Romeo, they consider each other as family and work together to solve conflict. In front of Alfredo's grave, the Black Brothers and the Wolf Pack made peace with each other.
; Members:
; Dante
Dante is one of the members of the Black Brothers. He develops a crush on Nikita. When spring finally came to Milan, Dante finished his working contract and returned to his hometown of Locarno. He first appeared in episode 4.
; Luini
; Citron
; Countess Bianca Martini
A month after the tragedy in Piedmont, Bianca and Alfredo stumbled across a farm village. During this time, Bianca could no longer walk because of tiredness. A farmer saw the siblings resting along the road and rescued them. Soon, the "God of Death," Luini, appeared in the farm village. In order to protect Bianca, Alfredo decided to sign a contract with Luini and go to Milan to work as a chimney sweep. Bianca was left behind in the farm village.
Soon after Alfredo went to Milan, Bianca was captured by Maurizio and Grazela. Knowing that Alfredo was in Milan and the Martini medal was with him, the evil couple took Bianca hostage to forcefully get the medal from him. Bianca then was saved by Romeo and the majority of the Black Brothers from the hostage-takers. Later, she was brought at San Babila Church to be reunited with her older brother Alfredo, who at that time was already suffering from tuberculosis. After the Martini siblings were reunited, Bianca became a special member of the Black Brothers.
Bianca and Alfredo victoriously cleared their tarnished names and reclaimed their inheritance on the day that they met with the King of Italy. The king was convinced that the Martini siblings truly did not murder their own parents. The following day after the meeting with the King of Italy, Alfredo died. During the period of mourning for Alfredo, Bianca went to Romeo, who became very depressed because of what happened. She said comforting and encouraging words to Romeo and even hugged him. After hearing from Bianca, Romeo gained the strength to accept Alfredo's death and the request of his fellow Black Brothers to become their new leader. Before Alfredo died, Bianca was entrusted to Dr. Casella. The kind-hearted doctor and professor took custody of Alfredo's younger sister and treated her like his own daughter. Bianca became Dr. Casella's "little nurse." 10 years later When Bianca finally became an adult, she married Romeo. They have a child who is named after Alfredo.
; Vittorio Martini
; Patrizia Martini
; Maurizio Martini
After Alfredo sold himself to work in Milan, Maurizio and Grazela captured Bianca. Knowing that Alfredo was in Milan and the Martini medal was with him, they made Bianca a hostage to forcefully get the medal from him. Romeo and the majority of the Black Brothers then saved Bianca from the evil couple. Bianca was later reunited with her brother Alfredo. Maurizio and Grazela failed to get the Martini medal from Alfredo, but they still did not give up on their evil plans.
Before the evil couple went to a banquet that was attended by the King of Italy, Maurizio hired a man to create a replica of the Martini medal. The fake medal was finished and Maurizio wore it on the day of the banquet, hoping he and his wife will not get caught as impostors. Upon learning about the presence of Alfredo and Bianca in the banquet, Maurizio and his bodyguards tried to eliminate the siblings, but with the help of the Black Brothers, Wolf Pack, and Countess Isabella Montovani, the siblings were saved. Accompanied by Countess Montovani, Alfredo and Bianca met with the King of Italy and faced off with their evil relatives. While they were all in front of the king, Alfredo told the king that Maurizio's medal is a fake and that the one he holds is real. To see who is the "low-down skunk up to his neck in lies," the King of Italy examined the two Martini medals. Later, the king found out that Maurizio's medal is truly fake because there is no "mark of benediction" in its back and that Alfredo's medal is the one with a "mark of benediction." The evil couple were caught as impostors and taken away in disgrace. In the end, Maurizio and Grazela did not get all that they wanted, Alfredo and Bianca victoriously cleared their tarnished names and reclaimed their inheritance.
; Grazela Martini
After Alfredo sold himself to work in Milan, Grazela and Maurizio captured Bianca. Knowing that Alfredo was in Milan and that the Martini medal was with him, they took Bianca hostage to forcefully get the medal from him. Romeo and the majority of the Black Brothers then saved Bianca from the evil couple. Bianca was later reunited with her big brother Alfredo. Grazela and Maurizio failed to get the Martini medal from Alfredo, but they still did not give up on their evil deeds.
Before the evil couple went to a banquet attended by the King of Italy, Grazela's husband Maurizio hired a man to create a copy of the Martini medal. The fake medal was finished and the evil couple brought it with them to the banquet, hoping they will not get caught as impostors. The siblings Alfredo and Bianca also managed to go to the banquet with the help of the Black Brothers, Wolf Pack, and Countess Isabella Montovani. Accompanied by Countess Montovani, the siblings met with the King of Italy and faced off with their evil relatives. While they were all in front of the king, Alfredo told the king that the Martini medal which was brought by Grazela and Maurizio is a fake and that the one that he holds is the real one. To know who is the liar, the King of Italy examined the two Martini medals. Later, the king found out that the evil couple's medal is really fake and that the medal from Alfredo is the real one because of the "mark of benediction" in its back. Grazela then tried one last effort to fool the king by trying to make it appear that Alfredo swapped the medals, but because she and Maurizio did not originally know about the "mark of benediction" she was unable to convince the king. The evil couple were therefore caught as impostors and taken away in disgrace. In the end, Grazela and Maurizio did not get all that they wanted, Alfredo and Bianca successfully cleared their tarnished names and reclaimed their inheritance.
; Piccolo: Romeo's pet ermine, who strangely retains its winter coat throughout the series.
; Marchelo Rossi
; Edda Rossi
; Countess Angeletta Montovani
Angeletta was raised by her foster parents, Marchelo and Edda. Unlike her foster parents' real child, Anzelmo, she is an extremely kind person. Angeletta is also great in drawing and writing journals. It was proven through her sketchbook and diary. She was suffering from a serious heart illness for a long time and was unable to leave her bed, and is thus usually left alone in her room.
Romeo and Angeletta became very close friends. Angeletta was nicknamed by Romeo as his "Angel." Romeo and the rest of the Black Brothers helped the "Angel" to get accepted by her grandmother. They successfully convinced the "Ice Queen" that Angeletta is not after the Montovani estate. Countess Montovani then took custody of her granddaughter. She brought Angeletta to Paris to be treated for her heart illness. Romeo and Angeletta had already developed feelings for each other before they separated. Angeletta is named "Angelita" in the Tagalog dub. Angeletta`s fate is unknown and she never appears again after her departure to Paris, but Romeo mentions her at one point upon wondering how she was getting on with her treatment. Countess Montovani also appears a few episodes later and mentions that Angeletta remained in Paris.
; Countess Isabella Montovani
; After Alfredo's Death
; Adolfo Montovani
; Giovanni
; Nikita
; After Alfredo's Death
; Anzelmo Rossi
; Rinaldo
; Tachioni
; Leo
; Faustino


Series music

Theme songs

Insert songs

Other media
