Rome Independent Cinema Festival

Rome Independent Cinema Festival is an annual film festival held in August in the Rome, Italy. The festival is organized by HF Productions, and was first held in August 2018.

The festival

Rome Independent Cinema Festival was first started in August 2018, and is held annually at the screening venue, Casa del Cinema located in the Villa Borghese in Rome. The event is organized by Copenhagen-based production company, HF Productions and aims to promote Italian independent cinema. In 2019, the event was co-sponsored by Devent VFX Studio and Fonderia delle Arti.
At the 2nd event in 2019, filmmakers :it:Toni_D'Angelo|Toni D’Angelo, Mario Sesti, Christian Carmosino Mereu and Chanel Agura were the jury panelists for the festival.

Rome Independent Cinema Festival awards winners


The following are the event winners of the 2018 Rome Independent Cinema Festival:
The following are the event winners of the 2019 Rome Independent Cinema Festival: