Bishops of Velletri - Adeodatus, 465
- Bonifatius, 487
- Silvano, 501
- vacant
- John I, 592
- Potentinus, 649
- Placentinus, 680
- John II, 721
- Gratiosus, 743
- Gratian, 761
- Citonatus, 761–769
- Gregory I, 769–775
- Theodore, 780
- Gregory II 826–853
- John III, 853–867
- Gaudericus of Velletri, 867–879
- John IV, 896–898
- Leo I 946–963
- Theobaldo 996–1027
- Leo II, 1032–1038
- Amato, 1044
- Johannes 1050
- Benedictus 1057
- Johannes Mincius
- Peter Damian, 1060–1072
- Gerald of Ostia, 1072–1077
- Odo I de Lagery, 1080–1088
- Odo II, ca.1088–1102
- Leo of Ostia, ca.1106–1115
- Lamberto Scannabecchi, 1116–1124
- Giovanni of Camaldoli, 1126–1133/35
- Drogo de Champagne, 1136–1138
- Alberic, 1138–1148
- Guido II de Summa, 1149–1151
- Hugo, 1151–1158
- Ubaldo Allucingoli, 1159–1181/84
- Theobald, 1184–1188
- Ottaviano di Paoli, 1189–1206
- Ugolino di Conti 1206–1227/31
- Rinaldo dei Signori di Ienne, 1231–1254/61
- Hugh of Saint-Cher 1261–1262
- Enrico Bartolomei 1262–1271
- Peter VI de Tarentaise, 1273–1276
- vacant 1276–1278
- Latino Malabranca Orsini, 1278–1294
- Hugh Aycelin, 1294–1297
- * Leonardo Patrasso, apostolic administrator 1298–1299
- Niccolo I Boccasini, 1300–1303
- Niccolò Alberti, 1303–1321
- Regnaud de la Porte, 1321–1325
- Bertrand du Pouget, 1327–1352
- Étienne Aubert, 1352
- Pierre Bertrand du Colombier, 1353–1361
- Andouin Aubert, 1361–1363
- Elie de Saint Yrieux, 1363–1367
- Guillaume de la Sudrie, 1367–1373
- Peter d'Esteing, 1373–1377
- Bertrand Lagier, 1378
Bishops of Velletri-Segni
Cardinal-Bishops of Velletri-Segni |