Rolling Stars and Planets is an Austrian visual art project of exhibitions and performances with sphere objects. The project mastered by Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky is joined by about 25 artists who come mostly from Austria, but also from Hungary and Germany. Vienna
The Rolling Stars and Planets are spherical art objects, standardized in size and basic material, but individually designed by each artist. The globes are painted, or designed as objects. The circumfluent frame, concepted by Ledersberger-Lehoczky, consist of ring-shaped Aluminium-hoops with a diameter of about 100 cm. This frame is associated with the orbits of Celestial bodies. It provides the reservation of the artworks and allaviates the moving. The inner Parts with a diameter of about 75 cm have been designed by the artist individually using themes like Astronomy, Astrology, Mythology and Legends.
In Autumn 2008 Ledersberger-Lehoczky and István Jankovics organized a Symposium in the Gothard Observatorium of Astrophysics of the Eötvös Loránd University in Szombathely. The main Theme was "Men in space". During this event sculptures of five sculptors have been shown. During the "Planetra Science Congress" 2008 in Münster Ledersberger-Lehoczky presented an art project which was decided to accompany the Year of Astronomy 2009. A collective action with individual designed sphere-objects was arranged during a meeting in Vienna between Günther Frank and Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky. Günther Frank suggested the moving of the globes in public spaces. In the Year of Astronomy 2009 25 visual artists, many of them members of the Austrian association of professional art in Vienna and Graz, designed spherical paintings and objects. The artists used techniques like Painting, Collage or Object Art. Adapted to each globe painting the executing artist made a description, in which he declared his technique and the matter of his artwork. The first event started on April 4, 2009 in front of the Kunsthistorischen Museum in Vienna. The artists rolled their artworks around the Maria Theresia-monument. In May 2009 the BiondekBühne Theater- und Tanzwerkstatt in Baden near Vienna created a choreography for a group of 14 dancers, the "Ladies-First-Ladies". This choreografy concerned with the Rolling Stars and Planets was shown in Baden and in Linz while this City was European Capital of Culture. The performancers SF - SlowForward showed the choreography "Breath of the Cosmos", which had been especially created for the Rolling Stars and Plandets. Linz September 3, 2009
Pupils of the primary school Köflach: Planet Erde aus der Sicht der Kinder
Dancing and Performance-Groups
"Dancing Planets" „Dancing Planets“ – eine wissenschaftliche und mythologische Reise durch das Sonnensystem / Das Universum, die verschiedenen Planeten – eine Faszination, die niemanden kalt lässt. Erstmals werden in einer multimedialen Tanzperformance Wissenschaft und Mythologie unseres Sonnensystems verbunden. Eine Wissensvermittlung der besonderen Art. Urs Scheifele, Astrophysiker vom Zürcher Planetarium und die Tänzerin Maya Farner nehmen die Zuschauer mit auf eine Reise ins Universum.
April 6–20: Exhibition in and in front of Vienna Planetarium, Kuffner-Observatory, old city-hall of Vienna, in cooperation with the University of Vienna.
College of Neunkirchen: Students workshop
Mai 5th - 13th: Gothard Astrophysikalisches Institut der Eötvös Loránd University Hungary in Szombathely..
15.Mai: BiondekBühne Theater- und Tanzwerkstatt, Baden, dance-performance and event in public space.
Mai 16th - 30th : Exhibition of Rolling Stars and astronomic photography in House of Art, Baden.
Juni 12th- Juli 5th: Bellabayer - the Gardenatelier, Hartberg, Gardens and art.
Juli 7th - September 2: Ars Electronica Center in Linz. Stardust – Astronomy and Universe.