Power Rangers in Space
Power Rangers in Space is an American television series and the sixth season of the Power Rangers franchise, based on the Super Sentai series Denji Sentai Megaranger. This series concludes and also ends the Zordon Era, which started in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
As with all Power Rangers programs, in Space is based on one of the entries of the Super Sentai series. However, due to miscommunication between the United States and Japan as to the contents of the Sentai series, much of the space footage is original to the American adaptation. In Space was a turning point for the Power Rangers franchise, as the season brought closure to six seasons of plot, and it ended the practice of having regular cast members act in consecutive seasons. The theme of this series, and its successor, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, bears little similarity to their Sentai counterparts.
Picking up where Power Rangers Turbo left off, Dark Specter has captured Zordon and is beginning to drain his powers. An assortment of old and new villains praises his victory, but an unexpected figure uncovers his plan: the Red Space Ranger, Andros. Dark Specter orders the Princess of Evil, Astronema, to eliminate Andros so he can't jeopardize his plans.Meanwhile, four of the former Turbo Rangers and Alpha 6 are traveling in a NASADA space shuttle with the intent to save Zordon. They are pulled aboard the Astro Megaship and later encounter Andros. Though initially suspicious and dismissive of the four former Turbo Rangers, Andros realizes he'll need their help to save Zordon and gives them each an Astro Morpher. Additionally, modifications allow the NASADA space shuttle and the Astro Megaship to combine into the powerful Astro Megazord. The new Space Rangers team then returns to Earth for repairs and supplies, but are followed by Astronema.
The Space Rangers alternate between searching for Zordon and protecting Earth. From the Dark Fortress, Astronema seeks to eliminate them via Ecliptor, Quantrons and a variety of monsters. Over time, allies offer the Rangers invaluable aid, with Zhane emerging from cryo-sleep and joining the team. New Zords are also introduced. Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull become assistants to eccentric Professor Phenomenus and join him in searching for aliens.
While dedicated to finding Zordon, Andros has another quest: finding his sister, Karone, who was kidnapped by Darkonda when they were children. Over time, Andros discovers his sister was kidnapped by Darkonda, the arch rival of Ecliptor who has multiple lives. Much to Andros' surprise, it turns out that Karone is Astronema, who was raised by Ecliptor to be evil. Andros is able to convince Astronema of the truth and she defects with Ecliptor's help. Unfortunately, just as quickly, she and Ecliptor are both recaptured and reprogrammed to follow Dark Specter.
The reprogramming of Ecliptor worked excellent at first in returning him to being completely hostile to the Space Rangers, but the reprogramming also seemed to fade a tiny bit towards the end of the season, largely due to Ecliptor's intense hatred for the treachery of the Psycho Rangers. On the other hand, Astronema had become more evil than ever, as she not only wants to destroy the Space Rangers, but also Dark Specter. To that end, she unleashes the Psycho Rangers. The five robotic villains possess great power, which secretly comes from Dark Specter. Every time they fight, Dark Specter is drained of power and grows weaker. Individually, each Psycho Ranger is too powerful for their Space Ranger equivalents. But the Psycho Rangers are not as good with teamwork, and the six Space Rangers are able to overcome the Psycho Rangers with a great deal of effort and teamwork. Soon after, the Rangers suffer setbacks that see two Megazords destroyed, which are the Delta Megazord and The Mega Voyager.
Everything culminates in the two-part finale, "Countdown to Destruction", where Zordon is nearly completely drained and Dark Specter orders the villains under his command to attack the entire universe. Across the universe, the Alien Rangers, Phantom Ranger, Blue Senturion, the Gold Zeo Ranger and KO-35 rebels are defeated and captured. The Space Rangers struggle to defend Earth, but are overwhelmed and forced to retreat. Even Zhane and his Zord, the Mega Winger, are no match. The treacherous Darkonda kills Dark Specter, who returns the favor before his own death, leaving Astronema in command as the "Queen of Evil." While Andros boards the Dark Fortress to appeal to his sister, the remaining five Space Rangers engage in one last fight for Earth and are even joined by the citizens of Angel Grove.
On the Dark Fortress, Andros finds Zordon, who requests his energy tube be shattered. Doing so will release good energy that will destroy the forces of evil and save the universe, but also kill him. Following battles with Astronema and Ecliptor, Andros has no choice but to comply. The many monsters are subsequently turned to dust by the energy wave, while Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Divatox and Astronema are changed into normal, non-evil humans. With the universe now safe, T.J., Cassie, Carlos, Ashley and Alpha 6 intend to settle down on Earth. Though initially intending to remain on KO-35 with their people, Andros, Zhane and Karone decide to join their friends on Earth.
The original pre-bible for in Space, drafted before the start of Power Rangers Turbo's second half, was placed online in June 2011. The first half includes synopses of Megaranger episodes, with a mix of Japanese names and intended US names, and a breakdown of how much sentai footage was "usable"; there is a list of weaponry and Zords introduced, how often they appear, and the monsters and how they are destroyed. It then goes on to set out the plans for the in Space adaptation.Both Astronema and Andros were originally absent, with the Phantom Ranger finding out about Dark Specter's plan instead, and Justin was going to remain in the team. Instead of losing their powers and base at the end of Turbo, the Rangers would be given their Space powers by Dimitria so they could head into space and save Zordon. Their spacecraft would have had a limited power supply and could only be recharged by the Power Chamber on Earth, forcing them to keep returning; otherwise, they would hop from planet to planet, encountering new and returning villains, and picking up clues for Zordon's whereabouts. Divatox was still going to be the main recurring villain, with Ecliptor as her new second-in-command. Bulk and Skull formed a volunteer Citizen Force Group to try and protect Angel Grove while the Rangers were away. The Silver Ranger was the subject of debate, as Saban were unsure if they wanted to use him.
In Space would have seen Carranger villain Exhaus used as Dark Specter - he would instead be the monster Goldgoyle for the end of Turbo. The Rangers were going to have a base in Earth orbit called the new Power Dome: it was to be realized by "a giant pyramid made of silky material... the walls of silk will change constantly with special effects lights creating the different moods". The "Space Station" interior was going to recycle the Power Chamber set; footage would be shot for the villain's "Evil Platform" set ahead of time and used as recurring stock footage.
This would be the last season to feature the character Skull. as Narvy himself chose to leave the Power Rangers universe to continue his college education.
In Space was originally written as the final season for the series, as the ratings began to decline following Turbo. However, In Space ended up being an unexpected success and with fan interest returning, Saban and Fox decided to continue production of the series.
Space Rangers
- Andros
- Theodore Jay "T.J." Jarvis Johnson
- Carlos Vallerte
- Ashley Hammond
- Cassie Chan
- Zhane
- Alpha 6
- D.E.C.A.
- Adelle Ferguson
- Farkus "Bulk" Bulkmeier
- Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch
- Professor Phenomenus
The Turtles were summoned and brainwashed by Astronema to fight the Rangers. Her control over them is later broken, and they team up with the Rangers to battle Astronema's forces. Before returning to New York the Turtles had one request: space surfing on the Galaxy Gliders. Due to ' being filmed in Vancouver, none of the Turtles' voice actors reprised their roles for their appearance.
- *Leonardo
- * Raphael
- * Donatello
- * Michelangelo
A female turtle who is the latest member of the group.
- Alien Rangers
- Justin Stewart
- Karone
- Trey of Triforia
- Blue Senturion
- Phantom Ranger
- Zordon
- Adam Park'''
- Dark Specter
- Astronema
- Ecliptor
- Elgar
- Darkonda
- Darkliptor
- Quantrons
- Craterites
- Piranhatrons
Psycho Rangers
The Psycho Rangers are five evil rangers created by Astronema as part of her plans to destroy Dark Specter and originally drew their energy from him, who felt the drain more strongly if the Psychos fought hard. Though stronger than the Power Rangers, the Psycho Rangers were impatient, could not work together, and were unwilling to follow Astronema's plans, leading to them being destroyed by the Space Rangers before Dark Specter was. When grown, their true monster forms were revealed. As spirits, they sought a way to return to physical form; this led them to the lost city, where they used a digitizing device in reverse to become real again. However, the rangers digitized them into data cards; the cards later ended up in Deviot's possession, who revived them in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, but they were again destroyed by both the Galaxy and Space Rangers.The alternate continuity depicted in Boom Studios' comic series explains the origin of Psycho Rangers started from Supersonic Rangers, centering the original Psycho Ranger, Psycho Green. Astronema's Psycho Rangers are revealed to be based on one of her past victims across the planets, thus unknowingly uses Psycho Green as the main pattern. In this adaption, alternatively takes place after Lost Galaxy, Astronema/Karone's Psycho Ranger was revived a third time by Psycho Green, giving Karone a chance to redeem herself while end up having a conflict with Space Rangers over redeeming her Psycho Rangers. After spending time with a redeemed Karone, her Psycho Rangers finally redeemed and start new lives.
- Psycho Red, later named Virgil in Boom Studios comic series
- Psycho Black, later named Photon in Boom Studios comic series
- Psycho Blue, later named Axe in Boom Studios comic series
- Psycho Yellow, or Yellow for short in Boom Studios comic series
- Psycho Pink, later named Nokrea in Boom Studios comic series
- Psycho Green, also known as Trek
The monsters used in this season work for Astronema. The monsters are adapted from the monsters that are featured in Denji Sentai Megaranger. To make a monster grow, Astronema would give orders to fire the Sattelaser at the monster making it grow.- Manta Menace - A stingray monster occasionally fought on the Simudeck.
- Electrotramp - An electrical monster that Astronema used to draw out the Rangers to have her hypnotized Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles "help" them defeat him. In battle, he summons large spheres of electricity which he then throws at his opponents. It was destroyed by the Ninja Turtles when Venus de Milo sends his electrical attack back at him.
- Clawhammer - A shrimp monster from the planet Kalderon who can project an energy blade from his claw. It was destroyed by the Astro Megazord.
- Voltage Hog - An unspecified electrical monster that can drain electricity from power lines and use it in its tentacles to fight its enemies. It was destroyed by the Astro Megazord.
- Elephantitan - A titanic elephant monster used by Astronema. It was destroyed by the Astro Megazord.
- Waspicable - Waspicable is a kind-hearted wasp monster. He was able to project powerful energy blasts from his eyes and teleport in a little ball beam. After helping to defeat Sting King, he planned to do good where he started by retrieving a girl's balloons that drifted into the air.
- Sting King - A robotic bee monster partnered with Waspicable. He could fire a rapid series of lasers from his stinger arm or release a swarm of bees. When in space, his blasts can affect an entire city. It was destroyed by the Astro Megazord.
- Crocovile - A regenerating crocodile monster used by Astronema to distract the Rangers while Dark Specter whisks Zordon far away. It was capable of duplicating himself: one with a crocodile head for a left hand and another with a crocodile tail for a right arm. It was destroyed by the Astro and Delta Megazords.
- Destructipede - An illusion-casting centipede monster used by Astronema. It was destroyed by the Astro Delta Megazord.
- Power Driller - A rhinoceros-like drill monster summoned by Destructipede. When he walked, he created earthquakes. It was destroyed when Destructipede was destroyed.
- Fearog - A toad monster summoned by Destructipede. It was destroyed when Destructipede was destroyed.
- Behemoth - A moth monster summoned by Destructipede. It was destroyed when Destructipede was destroyed.
- Mamamite - A termite monster. It was destroyed by the Spiral Saber's Booster Mode and the Quadrablaster.
- Termitus - A soldier termite-themed monster that was formed when the cloud of Mamamite's termites combined. It could eat through the Rangers' weapons and has the ability to separate itself into a cloud of termites in order to evade the Rangers attacks. It was destroyed by the Astro Delta Megazord.
- Barillian Bug - Insect monsters that once attacked KO-35 turning whoever it stung into the scorpion-like Barillian Bug monsters. It was destroyed by the Astro Megazord.
- Mutantrus - A giant squid-like monster grown from a portion of the giant mutated Darkonda. He could fly through space and blast lasers from his forehead. It was destroyed by Mega V1 and V3.
- Lionizer - A robotic lion monster used by Astronema. It was destroyed by the Mega Voyager.
- Body Switcher - A body-switching bat-like Grim Reaper monster used by Astronema. On a related note during Body Switcher's demonstration of his abilities, five of the monsters Body Switcher turned into were Beetleborgs monsters Rocket Man, Cataclaws, LottaMuggs, Unctuous, and Firecat. It was destroyed by the Mega Voyager.
- Lunatick - An antlion monster from the planet Kadix that had battled the six Space Rangers. It spoke a strange alien language. It was destroyed by the Astro Delta Megazord.
- Crocotoxes A duo of toxic eel monsters created by Darkonda on Deketa 5. The toxin gave people black spots when they were in the water. One was destroyed by the Astro Delta Megazord and the other was destroyed by the Silver Ranger.
- Praying Mantis - A robotic mantis monster used by Astronema. It was destroyed by the Mega Voyager.
- Destructoid - An unspecified wild beast monster that turned on Astronema when she started berating it for failure. Zhane saved her by driving it off.
- Horror Bulls - A set of bison monsters used by Ecliptor. The first was destroyed by the Spiral Saber's Booster Mode and Quadrablaster. The second was destroyed by the Astro Delta Megazord.
- Coralizer - A coral monster used by Darkonda. He infected the KO-35 Rebels with corals to grow on them on the planet Centaur B. It was destroyed by the Astro Delta Megazord.
- Lizwizard - An electrical chameleon monster used by Astronema. His long tongue enables him to switch places with whoever is wrapped up in them. It was destroyed by the Astro Megazord.
- Batarax - A sonic-emitting bat monster used by Astronema. It was destroyed by the Astro Megazord.
- Spikey - A cactus-based monster with sharp claws on one of his hands who was created by Astronema. It was destroyed by the Mega Voyager.
- Frightwing - A condor monster used by Astronema. It was destroyed by the Winged Mega Voyager.
- Owl Monster - A robotic owl monster. He could fire light blasts and lasers from his eyes in battle. It was destroyed by the Astro Megazord.
- Datascammer - A robotic data-gathering lizard monster used by Astronema. He could emit blasts from his mouth and scanned information from the Power Rangers for Astronema. It was destroyed by the Winged Mega Voyager.
- Jakarak - An anglerfish monster from the planet Tirna who was the former master of Seymour. He had a flower on his head that was capable of turning anything into stone. It was destroyed by the Astro Delta Megazord.
- Vacsacker - A robotic vacuum-themed monster that was used to abduct people to Secret City. It was destroyed by the Mega Voyager. He is voiced by Richard Epcar.
- Tankenstein - A powerful shape-shifting mechanical entity used by Astronema. He could regenerate himself as well as electrocute anything with hidden cables. It self-destructed in order to destroy the Mega Voyager.
United Alliance of Evil
- Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa's Group - The first enemies of the Power Rangers.
- *Lord Zedd - He took the news of the Turbo Power Rangers' defeat well, only being afraid of Rita's reaction. Zedd and Rita later attacked the Vica Galaxy where their army fought the Gold Ranger. When Zordon's Energy Wave was released, Zedd and Rita were purified into humans. He is portrayed by Ed Neil and voiced by Robert Axelrod.
- * Rita Repulsa - An acquaintance of Divatox. Rita was left shocked by the news that Divatox had defeated the Power Rangers. Zedd and Rita later attacked the Vica Galaxy where their army fought the Gold Ranger. When Zordon's Energy Wave was released, Lord Zedd and Rita were purified into humans. She is portrayed by Carla Perez and voiced by Barbara Goodson.
- * Goldar - He partook in the attack on the Vica Galaxy where he used his attack to subdue the Gold Ranger. He is voiced by Kerrigan Mahan.
- * Squatt - He made a cameo during the attack on the Vica Galaxy.
- * Finster - Finster was seen at Dark Specter's party on the Cimmerian Planet and during the attack on the Vica Galaxy. He is voiced by Robert Axelrod.
- * Master Vile - Rita Repulsa's father. He was only seen with Blue Globbor at Dark Specter's party on the Cimmerian Planet.
- * Z-Putties - The foot soldiers of Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. A lot of them were seen during the attack on the Vica Galaxy.
- * Tenga Warriors - The crow-like foot soldiers of Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. They were only seen at Dark Specter's party on the Cimmerian Planet.
- * Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa's Army - The army of monsters that is used by Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa to attack the Vica Galaxy. They consist of:
- ** Electrotramp - See above.
- ** Blue Globbor - Master Vile's monster. He was briefly seen on the Cimmerian Planet prior to "Countdown to Destruction."
- ** Jellyfish Warrior - A jellyfish monster.
- ** Pumpkin Rapper - A rapping pumpkin monster whose jack-o'-lantern head is upside down.
- ** Punch-A-Bunch - A robotic boxing monster.
- ** Psycho Blue's Monster Form - See above.
- ** Octophantom - An octopus/elephant monster.
- ** Oysterizer - An oyster monster.
- ** Vampirus - A Baku/vampire bat monster.
- ** Miss Chief - A love-themed Kasha monster.
- ** Stenchy - A robotic skunk monster.
- ** Sting King - See above.
- ** Fearog - See above.
- ** Frightwing - See above.
- ** Craterite Conglomerate - See above.
- ** Wild Weeder - A gardener-themed monster
- ** Two-Headed Parrot - A two-headed parrot monster
- ** Horror Bull #2 - See above.
- ** Snizzard - A Ladon-themed snake/lizard monster with cobra-headed hands and an apple-shaped part on his head.
- ** Altor - A robotic Gold Ranger-themed monster.
- ** Stag Beetle - An energy-draining stag beetle monster.
- ** Termitus - See above.
- ** Ravenator - A large-mouthed, hunger-inducing monster.
- ** Mutantrus - See above.
- ** Psycho Red's Monster Form - See above.
- ** Destructipede - See above.
- ** A recolored Pirantishead with Hate Master's duplicated "hair" from "Fire in Your Tank/"
- ** The Zhane-injuring monster from "Survival of the Silver/"
- ** Unused Ninja Sentai Kakuranger monster Noppera-bō
- ** Unused Megaranger monster Mushroom Nezire
- ** Unused Megaranger monster Pig Nezire
- ** Unused B-Fighter Kabuto monster Changing Body Beast Isogilala
- ** Beetleborgs monsters Aqualungs, Kombat Knat, LottaMuggs, Porkasaurus, Cataclazmic, Torch Mouth, Ultra Vulture, and Changeling.
- Machine Empire - An empire consisting of robots and enemies of the Zeo Rangers. They and General Havoc attacked the Phantom Ranger's home world. When Zordon's Energy Wave was released, the Machine Empire was reduced to sand.
- *King Mondo - The king of the Machine Empire. He is voiced by David Stenstrom.
- * Queen Machina - The queen of the Machine Empire. She is voiced by Brianne Siddall.
- * Prince Sprocket - The son of King Mondo and Queen Machina. He is voiced by Barbara Goodson.
- * Klank and Orbus - The aids of King Mondo. They are voiced by Oliver Page and Barbara Goodson.
- * Cogs - The foot soldiers of the Machine Empire.
- * Quadrafighters - The octopus-themed jet of the Machine Empire that are piloted by Cogs.
- * Machine Empire's Army -The army of monsters that is used by the Machine Empire to attack the Phantom Ranger's home world. They consist of:
- ** Eye Guy - A multi-eyed monster.
- ** Goo Fish - A fish monster.
- ** Altor - A robotic Gold Ranger-themed monster.
- ** Two-Headed Parrot - A two-headed parrot monster
- ** Dramole - A mole monster.
- ** Slippery Shark - A hammerhead shark monster.
- ** Psycho Red's Monster Form - See above.
- ** Owl Monster - See above.
- ** Shrinkasect - An insect collector-dressed grasshopper monster.
- ** Destructipede - See above.
- ** Oysterizer - An oyster monster.
- ** Termitus - See above.
- ** Fearog - See above.
- ** Mace Face - A spiked robot armadillo monster.
- ** Coralizer - See above.
- ** Crocotox Red - See above.
- ** Waspicable - This one is different from the one listed above.
- ** Clawhammer - See above.
- ** Lizwizard - See above.
- ** Lunatick - See above.
- ** Face Stealer - An ancient Kahmalan/Nuppeppō face-stealing monster.
- ** Terror Tooth - A spiked snapping turtle monster.
- ** Stag Beetle - A stag beetle monster.
- ** Marvo the Meanie - An Amanojaku-themed monster.
- ** Spikey - See above.
- ** Pharaoh - An ancient Pharaoh/appraiser-themed villain who was the former fiancé to Divatox.
- ** A black, hornless, and furry version of Robogoat from "Fire in Your Tank."
- ** Unused Megaranger monster Mushroom Nezire
- ** Beetleborgs monsters Aqualungs, Kombat Knat and Triplesaurus Rex
- Divatox's Space Pirates = The enemies of the Turbo Rangers.
- * Divatox - The leader of the Space Pirates and Elgar's aunt who becomes a rival of Astronema. She later led her army to fight the Alien Rangers on Gratha where she is disappointed that Astronema succeeded Dark Specter. When Zordon's Energy Wave was released, Divatox was purified into a human. She is portrayed by Hilary Shepard Turner.
- * Rygog - Divatox's second-in-command. He was present at Divatox's attack on Gratha. He is voiced by Lex Lang.
- * Porto - Divatox's technical advisor. He is voiced by Scott Page-Pagter.
- * General Havoc - Divatox's brother. He accompanied the Machine Empire in attacking the Phantom Ranger's home world where they were opposed by the Blue Senturion and the Phantom Ranger. When Zordon's Energy Wave was released, General Havoc was reduced to sand. He is voiced by Richard Cansino.
- * Piranhatrons - The foot soldiers of Divatox.
- * Putra Pods - The Stegosaurus-like foot soldiers of Divatox. One Putra Pod was with Divatox's Space Pirates during Dark Specter's party on the Cimmerian Planet.
- * Divatox's Army - The army of monsters that is used by Divatox to attack Gratha. They consist of:
- ** Wolfgang Amadeus Griller - A musical zombie monster.
- ** Psycho Blue's Monster Form - See above.
- ** Vacsacker - See above.
- ** Katastrophe - A cat/Kitsune monster.
- ** Silo - A robotic rocket monster.
- ** Admiral Abominator - A robotic admiral monster.
- ** Tough Tusks - A robotic mammoth monster.
- ** Guitardo - A guitar-playing cicada monster.
- ** Translucitor - A shaman-themed orangutan monster.
- ** Psycho Yellow's Monster Form - See above.
- ** Unused Ninja Sentai Kakuranger monster Noppera-bō
- ** Unused Ninja Sentai Kakuranger monster Daidarabotchi
- ** Unused B-Fighter Kabuto monster Water Dwelling Beast Kapparapa
- ** Unused B-Fighter Kabuto monster Heat Fruit Beast Pineappler
- ** Beetleborgs monsters Furocious, Crimson Creep, and LottaMuggs
During the events of "Shattered Grid", the Space Rangers are attacked by Drakkon and his forces. Andros somehow managed to escape, while TJ was captured. According to Andros, Ashley, Cassie, and Carlos were all killed in the attack.Andros arrives in the world of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers universe barely escaping Drakkon's forces after seeing where he is holding all the captured Rangers he has accumulated across the universe. He is in close talk and strategy with the other Rangers as Karone watches from the shadows, unsure of how to approach her brother. After some encouragement from Jennifer Scotts, she approaches Andros, who is overjoyed to find out that his sister was saved by him and the other Space Rangers.
It has been revealed that Andros will join a team of rangers formed across the various universes in the follow up to "Shattered Grid" in "Beyond the Grid", alongside the Ranger Slayer, The Magna Defender, Cameron, Tanya, and the as of yet unrevealed Dark Ranger.