Roche-a-Cri State Park

Roche-a-Cri State Park is a state park north of Adams and Friendship in central Wisconsin. The park, in area, was established in 1948.
The park features a rock outcropping with Native American petroglyphs—the Roche-a-Cri Petroglyphs—and a wooden stairway to the top, as well as more than of hiking trails. The petroglpyhs are the only publicly accessible rock art site in the state of Wisconsin. In addition to the petroglpyhs, other rock art such as a pictograph of a thunderbird and a horned human figure can be found at the park.

Natural history

The striking bluff is a hard core that remains from a larger sheet of Cambrian sandstone which has mostly eroded away. Around 19,000 to 15,000 years ago it was an island rising above Glacial Lake Wisconsin. On top of the bluff grow red oak, black oak, white oak, red pine, white pine, and jack pine. Buzzards also haunt the top.