Robot Holocaust

Robot Holocaust is a 1986 film directed by Tim Kincaid. It is set in post-apocalyptic New York City.


After society was almost destroyed in a robot rebellion 33 years before the movie begins, the remnants are either slaves to the Dark One in the one city that remains or nomads. Slaves either work to power the city or fight in death matches for the other slaves' entertainment. While the winner of these matches is promised a reward, they receive death instead. The games are used to weed out of the population the biggest and the strongest to prevent rebellion in New Terra, the last city on Earth
Just outside New Terra, Neo, a drifter from the atomic-blasted wastelands, and his klutzy robot sidekick arrive at a factory where slaves labor to fuel the Dark One's Power Station. He meets Deeja, a woman who convinces him to help rescue her father. The father is a scientist who has invented a device that can break the Dark One's control over the factory slaves. Gathering a motley crew of allies on the way, Neo goes to the Power Station to confront the Dark One's evil servants. In the end, they find her father who is overtaken buy the dark one, wrapped up in a pod. He is beyond saving, and looks like he just wants to sleep


The film was released theatrically in April 1986 in Italy. In the U.S., it was released directly to videocassette in January of the following year by Wizard Video. In 2001, MGM released an Exclusive VHS of the film. Despite being tied to Full Moon Features, the film has yet to see a DVD release. However, MGM released a widescreen version of the film on, fueling speculation that a DVD release is possible in the near future. On December 4, 2012, the MST3K version of the film was released on DVD by Shout Factory. On November 29, 2018, Scorpion Releasing announced they would release the film on Blu-Ray disc.
The film was shown during the first season of Mystery Science Theater 3000, after fans complained of never viewing any color films.


The Creature Feature guide gave the movie 1.5 out of 5 stars, saying that it was so bad only camp followers would enjoy the movie. The effects were cited as being especially bad.. TV Guide states the movie combines worst elements of post-apocalyptic science fiction and sword-and-sorcery epics.. As of August 2019, the movie has a score of 15% on Rotten Tomatoes

Mystery Science Theater 3000