Robert A. Burns

Robert A. Burns was an American art director and production designer who worked on many films including The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes, The Howling, Re-Animator, and From Beyond.


Burns attended the University of Texas where he was editor of The Texas Ranger.
Burns first entered the film industry as the casting director and art director of Tobe Hooper's 1974 horror film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. His work on the film is notable for the realistic "bone decor" of the Sawyer Family's farm house.
His work garnered notice in the industry and work on other future horror classics followed including Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes, Joe Dante's The Howling, and Stuart Gordon's Re-Animator.
Burns was also an expert on Rondo Hatton and had aspired to make a film about the actor. His passion was such that he held parties to celebrate Hatton's birthday. An upcoming documentary titled Rondo and Bob looks at the lives of both Burns and Hatton.


Burns died on May 31, 2004. It was reported that he was suffering from cancer of the kidney. His death was investigated as a suicide with Burns leaving a farewell note on his website with a photo of him stretched out in front of a tombstone with his name on it.

Selected filmography

Art director