Roa Malaka

Roa Malaka is administrative village at Tambora subdistrict, West Jakarta, Indonesia. The border of Roa Malaka are :
The zip code of this administrative village is 11230.


There are two opinions about the name of Roa Malaka. First opinion is that the name is derived from two words rawa and malaka. In the early times, this area was the swamp and full of Indian gooseberry.
Second opinion is that the name is derived from Portuguese words Rua Malaka. In the early time, this area used to be prison of the Portuguese prisoner in Batavia, who was captured by the Dutch after they managed to snatch from the hands of the Portuguese city of Malacca on January 1, 1641 Among the prisoners of war is the former governor of Malacca, Dom Luís de Sousa Martins Chichorro. The place in the Dutch language called Jonkersgracht, called Rua Malacca gradually, and eventually became Roa Malaka.

Tourist attractions