
Riyasat is a Pakistani TV serial aired in 2005, written by Asghar Nadeem Syed and directed by Kamran Qureshi. A true story of love revolves around lives of people from two different societies, today's modern Dubai and a small seaside village. A tale that covers drugs and gold smuggling, human trafficking and evasion from the law.


Qadir Jogi,, a fisherman involved in human trafficking and gold smuggling, becomes enemy of Shahnawaz Khan, the owner of a small shipping company when he refuses to help Qadir in smuggling. The enmity reaches to the next generation, Nadir and Ahmed Nawaz Khan which starts from business competition and reaches to a woman, Sherry who marries Ahmed Nawaz. The enmity of Qadir Jogi results in losses of Shahnawaz's young daughter, and then his honest army man son-in-law lives.
Taking Seth Moosa Karim's help, Shahnawaz succeeds in getting Qadir Jogi deported from Dubai. In return, Qadir gets Shahnawaz killed in a plane crash. Qadir's own son Nadir, dies afterwards in a car accident during the hospitality of a Swiss Princess. Qadir Jogi, who tried to kill Shahnawaz's son twice, left alone after the accidental death of his only son Nadir.


Main cast

The theme song Riyasat Hai Riyasat was composed by Waqar Ali and sung by Sonu Nigam. The music video was recorded in India and released in December 2005.

Awards and nominations

5th Lux Style Awards