The Bear River has its source in Bear Lake in Zec de la Lièvre in the unorganized territory of Lac-Ashuapmushuan. This head lake hosted between the mountains, is mainly fed by the discharge of a small unidentified lake, the discharge of a set of lakes including Lac de Nuit, the outlet of a set of lakes including Lac du Hibou and Lac Georges. The mouth of Lac à l'Ours is located at:
south of downtown Saint-Félicien;
south-west of downtown Saint-Prime;
south-west of the mouth of the Ashuapmushuan River;
southwest of the mouth of the "rivière à l'Ours".
From the mouth of Lac à l'Ours, the Rivière à l'Ours flows over with a drop of, especially in forest areas, then agricultural in the lower part, according to the following segments:
eastwards crossing Little Bear Lake and another small unidentified lake, collecting the outlet of Squatter Lake, up to a bend of river corresponding to the outlet of the Petite rivière à l'Ours ;
towards the north, bending towards the northeast to collect a stream and forming a loop towards the south until a bend of the river corresponding to the outlet of the Lake Poacher; then flowing north by collecting the discharge of a set of lakes including Lac Miroir, crossing areas of marsh where the river meanders, forming a loop west to collect a stream, then passing through Saint-Prime on and then passing through Saint-Félicien on, forming a hook towards the west end of segment, up to a bend in the river corresponding to a stream ;
towards the east by collecting a stream, then curving towards the north, until the confluence of the Ovide River. Note: From the start of this segment, the course of the "rivière à l'Ours" forms the boundary between Saint-Félicien and Saint-Prime ;
to the north first by winding and crossing four zones of rapids, then forking to the northeast while winding, then north at the end of the segment, until the Petite rivière à l'Ours ;
towards the northeast by forming a loop towards the south at the end of the segment, until the outlet of the rivière du Castor ;
towards the north-east first by crossing the 3rd range road, by winding, then by bending towards the north at the end of the segment where the river crosses rue Principale from Saint-Prime, and the railway, to its mouth.
The Bear River flows on the southwest bank of the Ashuapmushuan River, just downstream from a peninsula attached to the south bank and stretching to the north. From this confluence, the current goes around three islands. This confluence is located at:
northeast of downtown Saint-Félicien;
north-west of downtown Saint-Prime;
north-west of the mouth of the Ashuapmushuan River;
From the mouth of the Bear River, the current descends the course of the Ashuapmushuan River towards the southeast on, then crosses Lake Saint-Jean east on , take the course of the Saguenay River via the Petite Décharge on east to Tadoussac where it merges with the Estuary of Saint Lawrence.